Chapter 342 Don't Come Back If You Leave_1

Ever since he took up the position of the leader of Qinshan Base, all power was in his hands, and the life and fate of everyone depended on his thoughts.

Who would dare to defy him? Chen Huaijiang quickly regained his composure. His high status earned him a lot of respect. At the same time, he, as a person, increasingly disliked anyone who rebelled against him.

In Qinshan Base, he was like an emperor. And since he was an emperor, who would welcome people defying him?

As an emperor who was higher up, naturally, everyone else must be lower than him, even the other five base leaders who held the same status as him.

However, he was a smart man. He knew that getting angry was useless. Moreover, he didn't know who caused the problem in that base. One day, he would have to claim Shiwuguan Base, and by then, even if he was outraged, it would not be possible for him to kill everyone, right?