Chapter 359: The Great Battle with the Pseudo-Dragon 4_1

Tang Ye's body was squeezed and deformed, the pseudo-dragon let out an excited roar, as if celebrating that it was about to kill an enemy!

Just as it thought Tang Ye was nearly done for, suddenly, Tang Ye's massive body shrank at an incredibly fast speed, stopping when it was just over two meters tall.

Tang Ye could grow rapidly, of course, he could also restore his original form quickly. How could he possibly be hindered and unable to move by a pseudo-dragon?

The Pseudo-dragon had not reacted to the situation when Tang Ye, now returned to his original form, sent a punch flying!


Each of his earlier punches bore Tang Ye's maximum strength, the power of this punch pierced straight into the pseudo-dragon's flesh!


With a pull-back of his hand, a large chunk of flesh was ripped out by Tang Ye, without a second word, he stuffed it into his mouth and started eating with delight!