Chapter 372: Too Hard_1



The severed tail of the pseudo-dragon spun in the air, emitting a crisp noise before smashing towards Tang Ye. Accompanying that was a loud crash, as Tang Ye, along with Ah Fu writhed in his arms, was flung into the sky, an unknown height and distance away...

The pseudo-dragon's half body then shot straight out, its massive recoil sending it up into the sky, disappearing into the horizon with Xu Haishui as nothing more than a black dot.

The airborne insects that were knocked away fluttered like fairy dust, seemingly afraid of sunlight. Under its glare, their wings fluttered feebly before they dropped onto the ground lifelessly.

In mid-air, Tang Ye held Ah Fu with one hand, and on checking behind him, realized he was about to collide with this gigantic tree. He quickly folded his flesh wings and spread out the wings on his back to stabilize his spinning body, landing on an "island" at where the base of the huge tree trunk had been pulled up.
