Chapter 386: Obsession is Power_1

"What exactly are zombies, what's going on outside, and why did the trees outside grow so rapidly when I awakened?"

Upon hearing about the outside situation, Changjue became very interested. Even the usually aloof Yinxiang ceased her lute playing, just staring at Tang Ye, awaiting his words.

Seeing this, Tang Ye chuckled inwardly, thinking, "Stupid fools!"

"The world outside is full of zombies. Our shadows lurk in every corner of this world, and I am one of them!"

While speaking, Tang Ye assumed a superior tone, he even prompted Ah Fu to let out a triumphant growl in support.

At this, Changjue and Yinxiang were taken aback.

"Zombies, all zombies, does that mean there are monsters like you everywhere outside, possessing undying bodies?" Surprised, Changjue absorbed Tang's patronizing tone. He didn't attack Tang Ye, not daring to make any moves without knowing the full situation.