Hearing Nannan's infantile voice, Ah Fu's robust body trembled violently and he turned around to look.

Nannan scanned the crowd around, disappointment flooded her face when she didn't find the person she was looking for.

Tang Ye wanted to pick her up, but upon standing, a thought made him change his mind. He quietly stood and walked into a room. Ah Fu, stirred with excitement, rushed to Nannan and scooped her up in his arms.

As an unfamiliar person suddenly grabbed her, Nannan struggled and resisted.

"Don't hold me, who are you?!"

Ah Fu shrank back a bit, then emitted a low growl in Nannan's direction. The growl was so quiet that only the two zombies in the room heard it.

Upon hearing the sound, Nannan paused before asking, "Are you Ah Fu? Why did you change yourself like this?"

Ah Fu chuckled but said nothing. He hoisted Nannan onto his strong neck.

"So, you really are Ah Fu!" Nannan said, bubbling with glee.