Chapter 476 Do You Cry_1

"I guess so." Su Sigui tapped the weapon at her waist, saying that the fifth-level Anti-Life Fusion Steel (let's call it H-Steel from here on out to avoid me being accused of "padding") was significantly stronger than the fourth-level H-Steel. At least, when she fought against the Zombie King again, it wouldn't be easy for her blade to warp.

"But, do you want to give it a try?"

Perhaps due to her personality, no matter how she spoke, she sounded cold.

Tang Ye shrugged, retorting, "We've at least greeted each other. Shouldn't we be friends by now? Are you sure you want to slash me with your little blade? You seem to enjoy slashing people."

The expression in Su Sigui's eyes flickered, and Chen Bieli vanished silently after hiding the box.