Chapter 482: The Horde of Corpses That Doesn't Attack People _1

Qiongli shouted, but no one heeded her words. Under the threat of the nuclear bomb, the intense desire to survive made them wish they had more legs to outrun the shockwave of the nuclear explosion!

The hundred-meter-high shockwave, like a wall of a storm, swept over bringing with it countless dust and plastic debris!

"It's too late!"

With a sigh, Qiongli covered the three children in her arms with her body, tightly shielding them.

Approximately half a minute later, she felt the air around her suddenly stagnate, then the earth began to shake violently!

In this instant, the gravity here seemed to be altered. Trees in large areas were uprooted, countless cars and trucks were swept up, flying horizontally over.

Luckless survivors were hit by stones, vehicles, and large trees, their bodies reduced to a mess of blood and flesh, dying on the spot!