Chapter 487 Unbearable_1

The dark, ghostly tunnel looked like a beast with its mouth wide open, waiting for people to walk into it. Qiongli hesitated; she had the feeling that there was something inside. But for some reason, upon seeing the young man who had just appeared before them, she felt much more at ease.

Tang Ye seemed to grasp what they were afraid of, took the lead and asked the people behind him, "Why are you just standing there? Let's go."

The others felt the same as Qiongli. Although Tang Ye didn't look like a good person, human psychology is like that. When in extremely threatening situations, if a very evil person stands on their side, it somehow provides a weird sense of security.

Tang Ye took the lead, and people naturally followed him until they found a side-flipped shuttle bus, pushed it back, and left. Only then did Tang Ye gather back the focus he had placed on his other self.