Chapter 495 Do You Also Like This Little Darling?_1

Bai Xinran was a bit astonished as she looked at the food. She wanted to say something to Tang Ye but realized he had already left.

"Thank... thanks."

She voiced her gratitude, but Tang Ye didn't reply. He sat down beneath the tree he'd been leaning against before, ripped open a bag of spicy chips, and began munching on them heartily.

Crunch crunch~

Everyone swallowed hard, the delicious smell wafting towards their noses was like a cat's claw, incessantly scratching at their hearts. Seeing Tang Ye wasn't an easy person to mess with, they could only greedily eye Bai Xinran.

Bai Xinran quickly scooted closer to Qiongli, holding the food tightly. An earlier unpleasant smell had disappeared, and people's attitudes relaxed, mulling over what to do next.

"You all better not make a move, or else..."

At this point, Tang Ye coldly spoke up. As people turned towards him, he dug his hand into the tree, pulling out a handful of wood shavings.

"I hate damn thieves more than anything!"