Chapter 509: Accompanied by Safety is Death_1

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The six rotating barrels of the Gatling gun erupted into a stream of orange-red metallic torrent, slamming against the Future 0.2 helicopter from the City of Bright Moon. Sounds of "ping ping pong pong" rang out, but the Future 0.2's armor remained unscathed.

As the Future 0.2 began to descend slowly, Su Sigui sneered, preparing to grab the ladder when she saw a four-meter-tall crawler mech emerging from around a street corner. Recognizing the weapon it held, her expression froze instantly.

"Shit!" Su Sigui and the other new humans quickly reacted and rolled out of the way, a distance of four to five meters.

Whoosh~clink clink clink!

Dramatically, a massive Gatling gun was mounted on the mechanical arm of the walking mech!


It was unleashing a flood of bullets so thick they formed an orange-red beam!
