Chapter 514: The Turmoil Caused by the Appearance of the Zombie King_1

Except for Qiongli and her group, all the other survivors felt a chill in their hearts. Every time they glanced at Brother Zhang's gradually cooling corpse, they couldn't help but shiver.

Obey! You must obey! Or you will die!

Brother Zhang's death seemed to make Nannan feel a little bit better. Qiongli slowly managed to pacify Nannan. Seeing that no more zombies were appearing, and looking at the exhausted faces of the people, she opened her mouth and said, "Alright, it seems to be safe temporarily. Let's all rest here for a while."

Afterward, she found a place to sit. Bai Xinran ran in front of her and spoke quietly: "Auntie, that powerful big brother is a good guy too."

Qiongli smiled, it wasn't clear whether she agreed or not. She only patted her head, and then asked Nannan, "Little darling, can you tell me who your father is now?"

Nannan glanced at her with her big, beautiful eyes, tossing her head to the side but not responding to her.