Chapter 522: Believer Soldier_1

Tang Ye followed it, walking along the streets of Qinshan Base.

"Where is it going?"

This bird had just circled around him a few times, obviously signaling him to follow it. It was flying very low, just above Tang Ye's head.

The meaning couldn't be more clear. The nearby survivors watched this strange scene. They originally wanted to catch the red-feathered bird in front of Tang Ye, but Tang Ye's deliberate actions stopped them. With each step, he would make the cement ground bulge, demonstrating his strength and restraining the greedy survivors from acting rashly.

The bird sometimes flew fast, sometimes slow, occasionally turning its head to call back a few times, urging Tang Ye to keep up. They walked to the gate of the zombie defense wall and went out into Hua City, moving towards a street that Tang Ye didn't recognize.