In the midst of the argument between the man and Old Wang, Ruan Chao'en's speech reached its climax.

"If we want to survive in this damned post-Apocalypse, we have to make peace with everything. Only peace can bring us the life we want. We are not selfless, we are striving for the future of our own race! The number of zombies is three or four times as many as us! Their higher-level ranks dare not compete with us humans. Perhaps one day we can defeat the zombies, but, is there such a day?"

"Humans are intelligent creatures, no doubt, but don't forget, the intelligence of zombies is also improving in the process of evolution. With this speed extrapolation, the longer they are given, the more intelligent zombies they will birth. When they develop their own civilization, what can we humans use to fight against zombies?"

"You all should guess what we are going to do, yes, our Peace Party's goal is to establish peaceful relations with zombies!"