A cargo ship spanning 112 meters cruised the vast ocean surface. Yaztec held his camera, but he wasn't filming. He felt he hadn't found the place he was looking for yet.

In this fishing village, he had found six places that appeared in his dreams. This was the place where he found the most dreamlike locations. He thought there might be another spot in this area.

He had a feeling deep in his heart. He was very close to that place, but unlike the previous places he had filmed, those dreamlike places were beautiful and fairylike. Only the dream of standing on the ocean gave him a rather oppressive feeling.

He stood at the bow of the ship, staring blankly at several icebergs in the distance.

"Hey, pal, I know you're passionate about photography, but isn't this a bit too much? It's a time for good food and drink, right?" a jolly Russian uncle said to Yaztec, holding a fishing rod. He was a Level 1 New Human and the leader of a fishing team, a decent person.