Chapter 552 "Silver Armored Zombie King" (With Extra Updates)_1

Bai Xinran had already begun to doubt, especially the scene where Li Henian killed the car gang by biting off a chunk of meat from Wang You's shoulder.

Why did he bite? Why did he use the word "eat"? Is that a word humans should say to each other?

Moreover, Wang You turned into such a silver armored zombie after being captured...

All the signs point to a possibility that...

Bai Xinran clenched her fists tightly, even if she held doubts in her heart, but this wasn't like those brain-teasing suspense dramas, where the protagonist had a decisive certainty. She didn't know whether her own doubts were correct or not, what if it wasn't?

Aunt Qiongli was also squinting her eyes downward, the silver armored zombies all had similar bodies, extremely slender in body and limbs, and they stood as tall as three meters – just like the lickers from a zombie movie. However, unlike the lickers, their skin was a metallic silver color.