Chapter 566 Paradise 2_1

After a round of gunfire, it was clear that the mysterious Survivor Forces had some experts among them. The motor gangs suffered heavy casualties in just a short gunfight, with countless motorcycles tumbling off the cliff. The men on these bikes were instantly reduced to a bloody mess, pronounced dead on the spot. Their bodies exploded upon crashing to the ground, charring the remnants of the motor gangs' bodies lying around their camp.

The remaining bike riders tried to escape. However, a flaming cannonball flew out from the survivors' side, instantly knocking them off their bikes and spilling blood everywhere.

"Rocket launcher!"

Qiongli was stunned – what kind of survivors would have a rocket launcher?

Tang Ye was also squinting at the people on the opposing side. That they possessed such heavy weaponry and were using it freely against the motor gangs, without conserving their ammunition, indicated they were no ordinary survivor group.