Chapter 911: Warehouse Beast

Upon hearing this news, Tang Ye abruptly ended the call and turned his head to look outside the window. By now, the sounds of gunfire had started to crackle and pop outside, and the Dead Knight Corps that remained in the United District were mounting their zombie creatures, continuously charging towards the battlefield.

More than anything, Tang Ye was surrounded by the roaring of countless zombie creatures.

He shifted his gaze from the window and glanced outside the door, eventually choosing to sit behind the sofa. Then he closed his eyes, appearing to be deep in thought.

In the room where Hatred was located, a soldier opened the door and walked out. Inside the room, Hatred's eyes watched the raging battle outside, his eyes flickering constantly with a bloodthirsty madness that bordered on psychotic.

"They've come, they've all come. Since they're all here, let's make them all stay."