Chapter 961: Bizarre Death

The main difference between male and female voices is the sound of the voice. Male voices are heavy with throat sound, while female voices are produced with the pharyngeal cavity, making it clear which voice comes from a woman and which from a man.

Although this is the biggest difference between male and female voices, there are many more nuances that often go unnoticed. Men and women use a breathiness in their speech that is characteristic of their gender. Take Sissy for instance, why do they sound offensive even though they are women? It's because they speak in a flirtatious manner, but when it comes out in a man's voice, it just causes goosebumps all over people who are sexually straight. The reason for this discomfort is the breathy quality of a woman's speech in their tone.

Just now, his friend spoke in that very manner, but it was done so naturally that it took a moment for him to realize something was off in the way it sounded.

"Ma De, that's just twisted."