Chapter 19: Partnership, S-grade soil

The woman rolled her eyes and took out the mineral water she had previously emptied.

Li Yu saw the mineral water and immediately snatched it, unscrewed the lid, and drank it cleanly!

"Oh, you keep it for me..." Before the woman finished speaking, Li Yu had finished drinking.

"Hiccup!" Li Yu said with a full hiccup, "Cool!"

"You're cool, I'm not cool yet!" the woman murmured to herself.

"What's your name?" Li Yu asked.

"Bai Lian!" the woman replied.

"Well, you will be mine from now on, don't ask for this island, just follow me!" Li Yu said domineeringly.

Bai Lian stunned and said, "Don't want this island anymore, where do we live?"

"On the boat!" Li Yu replied, "It's much easier to get the material box like this!"

"You have a boat?" Bai Lian said in surprise, "It's great, I will rely on you to take care of me in the future!"

"Of course!" Li Yu replied, hugging Bai Lian's waist.

Bai Lian carried all his supplies onto the boat, and the island monument also issued a reminder.

"You have boarded the wooden boat, did you transfer the island monument to the wooden boat?"

Pointing to this prompt, Bai Lian asked Li Yu, "What does this mean?"

"It means literally, even if we are on the boat, we can use the island monument to do things," Li Yu explained.

Bai Lian's eyes lit up and said, "If this is the case, then it must be transferred!"

"Note: After this transfer, it will not be possible to transfer again in the next year!"

"Understand, transfer it!" Bai Lian replied.

"During the transfer, the transfer failed. It was detected that there is already an island stele on the wooden boat, and there cannot be two island steles on the same wooden boat at the same time!"

"Then what to do?" Bai Lian was stunned, and Li Yu was stunned too!

"You can choose to downgrade the island stele to a subsidiary island stele and keep it on this island, or you can dismantle the island stele to obtain the cornerstone, and bring the cornerstone to join other island stele forces."

"Attention: After the island monument is dismantled, it no longer exists."

Seeing this reminder, Bai Lian looked at Li Yu again, her thoughts naturally hoped to be retained.

But Li Yu said, "You will definitely wander on the sea in the future. It makes no sense for you to keep this island monument! Don't keep it!"

Bai Lian still hesitated, but Li Yu directly took his own axe and used the back of the axe to hit the monument to the island.


The island monument that originally looked unusually strong was smashed to pieces by him.

At the same time, the Li Yudao stele prompt sounded: "You smashed an island stele and got [Cornerstone]*12."

Bai Lian was a female streamer, and there was no way to stop Li Yu's movements, so she could only sigh secretly.

"So many cornerstones? Not bad, I should be able to exchange some good things!" Li Yu said with emotion.

While he was feeling emotional, he found that the island under his feet was sinking slowly. Li Yu hurriedly pulled Bailian into the boat and untied the rope tied to the stone!

"Does the smashing of the island monument cause the island to sink?" Li Yu was a little puzzled, at least when he moved the island monument before, his small island did not sink!

Bai Lian looked at her island slowly disappearing, and finally submerged into the ocean, feeling a little regretful.

"Let's go, it will get better and better in the future!" Li Yu said, and then he found a direction and rowed his boat away!

After Xiao Yi placed the two eggs, he went to look at his planting, and both apple trees had grown 30 centimeters high.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi still transplanted one tree to the flowerbed. Anyway, the flowerbed is still relatively empty. If two apple trees grow up, one wooden pot will be too crowded.

The materials that Su Wan had just traded included stones, so another flower bed could be built. This time it was also cut off and placed on the east side of the wooden house.

The current layout on Xiaoyi Island is with a wooden house in the middle, two large wooden basins in front of the wooden house, two "1"-shaped flower beds on the east and west sides, and two chicken houses behind the wooden house.

Among them, there is no soil in the east part of the flowerbed, and there is only one chicken coop in the back that is hatching chicks, and the other one is also vacant.

After eating the bread in his hand, he took a bottle of grade A pure water, drank it all, and then took some to water the apple tree.

"I have a wok today, boil the fish soup in the afternoon and drink it in the evening!" Xiao Yi decided so, and then took another Class A eagle pomfret to deal with it!

Now Xiao Yi throws all the blood from the internal organs into the toilet. Although I don't know where it went, at least it won't attract sharks and other marine life.

After rinsing it with clean water, take out the frying pot from the manufacturing space of the island monument!

"So complete?" Xiao Yi looked at the wok, a spatula, a spoon, and a colander.

Originally, Xiao Yi thought that only wok and spatula were the only cooking utensils, but he didn't expect to have even a spoon!

A shallow hole was slightly dug in the ground, and then three stones were piled around the shallow hole.

I ignite a piece of wood, throw it into a shallow pit, then put the wok on it, and put half a pot of pure water in the wok!

Finally, Xiao Yi threw in the washed eagle pomfret directly.


A beep sounded from the automatic fishing net.

Xiao Yi walked over and opened the fished material box directly!

"Obtained materials: soil (S level)*1."

"Trigger double harvest, double harvest! Obtained materials: soil (S grade)*2."

There is only one material in the entire material box!

"Even S-level soil?" Xiao Yi looked at the material in surprise, and then was a little worried. Now the best seed in his hand is A-level, and he can't plant A-level seeds in S-level soil. let's go!

This is too wasteful, but it is not easy to get S-level seeds!

Xiao Yi has basically figured out the rules of this world, the higher the level of materials, the more difficult it is to obtain.

I have caught so many material boxes by myself, and the A-level materials are also very few, not to mention those who catch fewer material boxes!

He hadn't opened the materials above the S level yet, and now he has all the materials above the S level that he can sign in!

Only today has an S-class soil appeared!

"Throw the soil into the flowerbed first, and let's find S-level seeds later!" Xiao Yi secretly said, and then directly filled the empty flowerbed!

Similarly, after disassembling the empty material box into six wooden boards, Xiao Yi directly sat down in front of the wok where the fish soup was being cooked.

Soon, the smell of fish came out. He lifted the lid of the pot, and Xiao Yi used a spoon to poke the fish. He looked at the fish soup like milk, and said secretly, "Although it is very fragrant, I always feel that something is missing! Alas! , When can I get salt?"

Although there is salt in sea water, I don't know how to make sea salt!

"I just don't know if those wild gods can directly use sea water to make salt!" Xiao Yi secretly said, "Would you like to ask in the trading floor?"