Chapter 24: Come back in the middle of the night, big sale

Unexpectedly, the two of Li Yu approached Xiao Yi's island again.

Li Yu immediately became excited when he heard that there were islands. Having an island means that there are supplies and women!

As the overlord of the sea, how can a woman be enough!

"Stop first!" Li Yu stopped Bai Lian from continuing to row towards the island, and leaned on the side of the boat to observe carefully.

"Such a big?" Li Yu was completely stunned. When he met Bai Lian before, the 12-square-meter island of Bai Lian felt that it was not small.

But the island in front of me is at least 40 square meters!

It may be more than that!

How many crates can be obtained for such a large island to expand to this shape?

"Brother Li, there seems to be a house on it?" Bai Lian's eyes lit up.

These days, she was not a fisherman and she was not used to staying on the boat. If she could find an island with a house, she would definitely choose to stay on that island.

Li Yu also vaguely saw some small buildings on the island, and his heart was also very hot.

Although he is a fisherman, it is easy to be annoying to go around on a small wooden boat. There is a well-developed island, he doesn't mind taking it down!

"Bailian, go!" Li Yu said, pointing in the direction opposite to the island.

"Huh?" Bai Lian was stunned, "Brother Li, is the direction wrong?"

Li Yu glared at her and replied, "Will someone who can develop so fast be an ordinary person? Can you use your brain!"

"Ah? Did we just give up like that?" Bai Lian looked at the island with some dismay.

"Give up? Impossible, I will definitely get what I am after!" Li Yu said coldly, "Leave now, don't attract the other party's attention, let's come over in the middle of the night!"

Li Yu explained briefly, Bai Lian nodded suddenly, and then assisted Li Yu in rowing the boat away!

At this time, Xiao Yi was taking a lunch break and Wangcai was also lying next to the rocking chair. They didn't even notice a boat had come.

Xiao Yi slept into the evening when he was awakened by the sound of the island monument.

He has turned off the notification tone of the automatic fishing net, but he can't turn it off on the island monument.

Xiao Yi rubbed his eyes and walked into the wooden house.

"Su Wan asked to talk to you!"


Seeing Xiao Yi appearing on the video, Su Wan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said: "I haven't contacted you for a day. I thought something happened!"

"Sleep for a while!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "How are you feeling today?"

"Very good, I got two more supply boxes here and opened some supplies. They are still the same as yesterday, and they are all sent to you?" Su Wan asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "No! If there is nothing special, you can keep it first and wait for my news."

"Huh?" Su Wan was a little puzzled, but she didn't ask much wittily, but said, "Okay, it's all basic materials, and there is a 500g bread."

"Okay, then you keep it!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay!" Su Wan was not polite with Xiao Yi, "I saw someone discussing about medium-sized sailing boats in the public channel. Yesterday I went to bed early. Did anyone sell this manufacturing picture?"

"Yes, in order to relieve the child's fever." Xiao Yi replied.

"What? Child? Have any children been sent to this world?" Su Wan was also very surprised.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "According to my guess, it should be followed by an adult at random!"

"If you bring a child, wouldn't it be more difficult!" Su Wan said with wide eyes.

Xiao Yi shrugged, and replied: "Let's survive the natural selection of the fittest!"

"This is too cruel!" Su Wan said with emotion, "Fortunately, I met you from the beginning."

Suddenly, Su Wan seemed to have thought of something, and continued to ask: "No, why are you so familiar with the situation?"

"Because I bought his sailboat manufacturing drawings!" Xiao Yi replied.

"No wonder!" Su Wan suddenly realized, "Since you are okay, then I will see if I can get another material box, bye!"

Xiao Yi nodded, then hung up the call.

Xiao Yi looked at the six material boxes on the shore, then looked at the sea through the afterglow of the setting sun and found that there were no more material boxes, so he changed the procedure of the fully automatic fishing net and continued to cast the net without a goal!

As the area of ​​one's own island increases, the number of fish caught by oneself also increases.

The longer the coastline, the richer the marine resources, which makes sense!

Push all the unopened material boxes near your wooden house, and then return to the island monument to see if there are any good things in the trading floor.

It has been five days since I came to the island, and those who are still alive should have more or less supplies in their hands.

The number of transactions on the trading floor has reached one hundred thousand!

Xiao Yi had no choice but to screen out the trades of the empty glove white wolves first, and then go to find the materials he needed, such as wooden boards, metal pieces, and linen!

These are the materials used to make medium-sized sailboats.

When he finds some at the right price, Xiao Yi will directly exchange it with shark meat.

Although there is a warehouse now, the shark meat has been kept at room temperature for a long time. According to the system's information, there will be no way to eat it in one day.

Take advantage of the fact that they are not broken, and quickly use their residual heat!

I have to say that the food is definitely the hard currency here, and such unpalatable shark meat is easily exchanged for a lot of supplies.

Take a look at the materials needed to make a sailboat: planks*200, metal sheets*200, wood*10, linen*50.

"Now there are only 41 wooden boards, and the difference is relatively large. The metal sheet is still 80. Linen and wood are enough!" Xiao Yi muttered, "Then buy it in one go!"

Xiao Yi immediately put shark meat on the trading floor.

"[Shark meat]*250g trade [wood]*20. Remarks: Shark meat can only be stored for one day after purchase, otherwise it will become corrupted. If you don't have enough wood in your hand, you can cut down the trees on the island by some means, and you can get 20 units. Wood."

"[Shark Meat]*250g transaction [Metal Flake]*4. Remarks: Shark meat can only be stored for one day after purchase, otherwise it will become corrupt."

"[Shark meat]*250g transaction [Linen]*2. Remarks: Shark meat can only be stored for one day after purchase, otherwise it will become corrupt."

According to the difficulty of obtaining these materials, Xiao Yi put all his shark meat on the shelves.

Wood can be used to synthesize planks, so as long as enough wood is purchased, the shortage of planks will be solved.

These transactions were just put up, and the public channels immediately became hotly discussed.

"Under what circumstances, can 20 units of wood be exchanged for half a catty of shark meat?"

"Is this a vomiting blood sale?"

"What vomiting blood sale, haven't you seen the remarks behind the deal?"