Chapter 43: Nearly ten thousand metal flakes, spicy fish soup

Dilin Qinglong seemed to know Dilin Tianxia's worries, and said: "Although the probability of metal chips being drawn out of the material box is not very high, it is not low. At least the probability is higher than that of mineral water. Use metal chips to change the water. At least it is still profitable. If we are really worried about other circumstances, we can trade part of it first and keep the rest."

After hearing Dilin Qinglong's analysis, Dilin Tianxia nodded and said, "First, replace 50% of the stock of metal sheets in Dilin with water resources, and leave the rest alone!"

"Yes!" Dilin Qinglong responded, and then assigned the task. "Arrange for three people to stare at the trading floor at all times. As long as the other party releases boiled water, they will eat them all. The metal pieces we can trade are 475 units."


The two groups that Xiao Yi put up before have been consumed by the market, when he put up 50 sets again.

The interface has not been switched here yet. Seeing the response of the public channel, the trading floor has been prompted to sell out!

"So fast!" Xiao Yi looked at the boiled water that was sold out instantly, feeling a little weird.

But in the next moment, Xiao Yi thought of a possibility that there was a force in Tunshui!

"At present, it should be Emperor Lin!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "In this case, it depends on how much boiled water you can eat!"

Xiao Yi deliberately suspended 100 groups this time. Before, 50 groups were suspended, and 50 groups were suspended. This time it can be considered as a test, is it true that the big forces are collecting boiled water?

After hanging up this time, it was also sold out instantly!

"Sure enough!" Xiao Yi can be sure that there is definitely a big force in Tunshui!

"In this case, I'm not welcome, I want all the metal pieces you have!" Xiao Yi was a little excited.

Hang up 100 sets again and they are sold out instantly!

Another 100 sets are sold out in no time!

Another 100 sets are sold out in no time!

Xiao Yi was really shocked this time. He didn't expect Di Lin to collect so many metal pieces so quickly.

Of course, this should be related to the number of members in their influence. If the base number is large, one person per person, the total number will be astonishing!

Come again!

Anyway, Xiao Yi's boiled water is almost a boiled prostitute, at most he consumes a few sticks of wood to boil the water!

Hung up 100 sets again, this time only sold 25 sets in an instant, and then paused.

"Tsk tusk, I thought there were many more!" Xiao Yi chuckled his mouth, still feeling a little bit unfinished, it feels cool to be sold out just now!

But there was a pause, and then the deal started quickly.

The public channel became lively again.

"What was the situation just now? How come there are no more than a hundred groups in an instant?"

"Yes, I still want to buy two sets!"

"I have inside information, Di Lin is hoarding boiled water!"

"Really? I said who is so good, with so many metal pieces in his hand, buy all 100 sets at a time!"

"It seems that water is really very important. Even Di Lin can't sit still. I have to hoard some water!"

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and buy it!"

"I want to buy too, but I don't have a metal piece. Can the boss use other materials to trade!"

"Then you are bad enough, haven't got a piece of metal for so long?"

"I got it, but I used it before, crying!"

After Di Lin Tian Xia brought a wave of rhythm, Xiao Yi's boiled water sold better!

After a series of deliberations, Su Wan and the three people hung up the materials in their hands on the trading floor and prepared to trade metal pieces.

However, the materials of the three of them are basic materials, which are not attractive enough, and almost no one is willing to trade.

Xiao Yi is still boiling boiled water here, because the inventory of cold boiled water has been sold out.

After this tossing for more than an hour, the transaction became slow.

"Huh, it's almost three o'clock in the morning, and finally hang 100 more sets and go to bed!" Xiao Yi said with a long sigh of relief.

After hanging the last one hundred groups on the trading floor, Xiao Yi fell onto his bed and instantly went to sleep!

The next day, Xiao Yi woke up in a daze, the sun was already high in the sky.

I glanced at the system, half past nine in the morning!

Xiao Yi rubbed his temples, got up, and took a look at the trading floor.

The plain water that hung up before going to bed yesterday was sold out again.

Up to now, the number of metal sheets owned by Xiao Yi's inventory is 9785 units!

Already approaching the ten thousand mark!

"There shouldn't be anyone more than my metal sheet now!" Xiao Yi thought with some complacency, and then walked out of the apartment.

"Good drying!" Xiao Yi muttered, looking at the sun.

But when he saw the situation on the island, he was a little dazed.

Many trees and rocks appeared on the originally empty island!

It's completely different from the previous desolation, with a little more life!

"It's really good!" Xiao Yi said, looking at the trees and rocks.

Although some trees and stones were refreshed, Xiao Yi would not cut down and mine them!

As long as they don't occupy the patrol path of the fully automatic fishing nets, and do not delay their own activities, they will be kept first.

Only in this way can they have enough time to evolve and generate more updated resources!

Wangcai was running curiously between the trees and stones, smelling here and there, it seemed that he was curious how so many trees and stones came out all of a sudden.

"Wangcai, has the fish come back?" Xiao Yi shouted.

"Wang Wang!" Wangcai replied, and then ran over, wagging his tail around Xiao Yi.

"Where is the fish?" Xiao Yi asked again.

Wangcai immediately ran to the side and came to a small open space in front of the apartment, where a pile of lively marine fish was piled up.

"So many?" Xiao Yi took a look around, and there should be no less than fifty marine fish.

Although there are a lot of them, they are all ordinary marine fish!

After Xiao Yi handled a few sea fishes, he took it to the stove he made before.

This stove was moved outside the apartment because it did not conform to the hardcover style. Xiao Yi simply set up a shed and cooked inside.

It's not that I don't want to do it in the kitchen, but there is no electricity or gas in the kitchen, and the LPG stove cannot be turned on!

Glancing at the big wooden basin next to the apartment door, the peppers in it felt that it should be mature enough. He picked one off and left the seeds inside. Xiao Yi took a bite.

"Sizzle, flavorful!" Xiao Yi said with a snort, unexpectedly this chili was really spicy!

After thinking about it, I boiled a bowl of non-spicy fish soup, made a basin with plastic, installed it, and then made a small bowl with half of the fish.

The pot of fish soup was traded to Su Wan, and the small bowl of fish soup was traded to Jiang Yuntian.

Calculated by time, she shouldn't be able to eat spicy food yet.

When Su Wan received this bowl of fish soup, she was full of happiness: "Xiao Yi is so kind to me!"

Although there is no oil, there is salt now, and there are two lettuce leaves on it!

This is definitely the best meal Su Wan came to this world!