Chapter 61: Pull black, bee, egg

"This Yiran product should know a lot of news!" Di Lin Tianxia watched Xiao Yi's speech and secretly said.

After a moment of contemplation, the Emperor Lin Tianxia immediately chatted with Xiao Yi privately: "This brother, can you talk?"

Xiao Yi saw the private chat sent by Emperor Lin Tianxia, ​​was stunned, and then immediately replied, "Thank you, no interest!"

"Brother, this world is too dangerous. We survivors still have to keep a group for warmth. It is difficult for one person to develop quickly!" Di Lin Tianxia said.

Xiao Yi curled his lips and blocked it directly, so as not to keep him harassing himself.

I want to use my **** to know what Emperor Lin Tianxia wants to do.

Xiao Yi was not the same person with him by copying his own news or pulling himself into the group.

There were so many metal pieces pitted by the Emperor's Lin forces before, and now there is no need to have too many intersections!

Di Lin Tianxia saw that the other party quickly pulled himself black, his face was gloomy, and he instructed Di Lin Qinglong to say: "Arrange someone to approach that Yiran product!"

"Yes!" Di Lin Qinglong replied.

After the Emperor Lin Qinglong was blacked out, Jiang Yuntian sent a transaction.

"[Cornerstone]*4, [Copper]*5 No transaction."

Xiao Yi was stunned when he saw this transaction, and then Jiang Yuntian sent another message.

"At present, my island is large enough for our activities, so let your island area be as large as possible and refresh some other materials."

In the afternoon, Xiao Yi sent them hare meat, and also probably explained the origin of hare meat.

Knowing that Xiao Yi's island has refreshed the woods and small animals in the woods, Jiang Yuntian decided to help Xiao Yi expand the island immediately.

The bigger the Xiaoyi Island, the more supplies they can refresh, and they will have better living conditions. At least they can diversify their food. Children can't always eat sea fish!

Su Wan and Yuan Nong also had the same idea, but the two of them only caught one material box today, and they only drew out some basic materials. There was no cornerstone and no food.

Xiao Yi didn't be polite with him, and directly agreed to the deal, and he would get all the cornerstones to expand the island.

In the evening, Xiao Yi processed more than a dozen sea fishes again, and everyone grilled two, one spicy and the other non-spicy.

There are too many marine fish, and I didn't use a few in today's transaction.

After roasting, Xiao Yi sent them to them, along with 500g lettuce leaves, 50ml S grade milk, and 500ml cold boiled.

"I wonder if you came through the back door!" Yuan Nong said with a smile.

"Haha, yes, there are people above me!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Su Wan and the others ate and drank and lay directly on the wooden planks outside. The wooden shed and tent were too hot!

Looking at the calm sea, Su Wan sighed: "If there is no pressure to survive, this place is actually quite beautiful!"

The water here is much clearer than the water in the world before them.

I couldn't see any **** on the sea. For so many days, the only thing she saw was the material box.

"Why did we come here? What kind of power is it to make so many people come here together and accept the test here?"

Su Wan could not find the answers to these questions, maybe no one can find the answers to these questions!

Suddenly someone appeared in her heart, Xiao Yi!

Maybe only he has the chance to find this answer!

In the public channel at this time, the discussion was still lively, adding another fire to the hot weather.

"Such a hot day, when will it pass!"

"Yeah, it's better to spend the winter. If it's cold, you can still run and jump. There is absolutely no way this hot!"

"Upstairs, please don't say that. With our current clothes, it is estimated that a large area will freeze to death in winter!"

"Yeah, don't be so crow-mouthed!"

Xiao Yi watched the chat on the public channel, and then at the Liangbaikai and Yume on the shelves, and he made a lot of transactions.

A batch was put on the shelves again, and I couldn't finish it by myself anyway.

With the clattering sound of the hen, Xiao Yi slowly fell asleep.


Xiao Yi waved his hand and mumbled: "When are there mosquitoes?"

But no matter how he waved it, the buzzing sound lingered in his ears!

Xiao Yi could only sit up helplessly, listening to the rooster crowing for the third time, and said, "God, can you let people sleep in!"

He came to the bathroom like a walking dead, washed his face, rinsed his mouth, and walked out of the apartment.


The voice became louder, Xiao Yi glanced intently, and the depression just now disappeared instantly!

Many of the crops I planted have already bloomed, and many bees were flying around among the flowers.

"Yesterday I was still worried about pollination. Today, the bees will be refreshed for me in the woods!" Xiao Yi said happily.

Looking at the bees from a distance, Xiao Yi muttered: "This thing won't sting people, right?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately walked back to the island monument and consulted Yuan Nong on the matter.

"As long as you don't mess with them, under normal circumstances, it won't sting, but just in case, you plant those flowering plants and try to keep them as far away as possible!" Yuan Nong replied with a smile.

"That's okay!" Xiao Yi was a little relieved this time, and then walked to the chicken coop.

I heard the hen croaking vaguely many times last night, this time I went to see how many eggs it laid!

Coming to the chicken coop, Xiao Yi was surprised to find that there were already 23 eggs in the chicken coop!

He immediately used the method Yuan Nong taught him to identify four of the eggs that were not fertilized eggs, that is, chickens that could not be hatched!

Xiao Yi decisively took out the four eggs.

"These four have no baby chickens, I will take them first, and leave the rest to you!" Xiao Yi said to the hen.

"Huh? Huh?" The hen tilted her head and looked at Xiao Yi.

Throwing four eggs into the pot and boiled, Xiao Yi suddenly remembered that he should have watered the potatoes at 12 midnight last night, and fell asleep!

He rushed to the field and poured some water on the potatoes.

"I hope it won't affect this harvest too much!" Xiao Yi muttered, "There are too many things, I can't be too busy!"

Xiao Yi shook his head, harvested the pasture in the field, then came to the flowerbed of S-grade soil, harvested all the S-grade pasture there, and sent it to the cowshed.

Back to the S-level flower bed, all the corn cobs were broken off, one of the corns was reserved, and the rest Xiao Yi prepared all as food.

At present, there is only one flower bed filled with S-grade soil, and there is no place to grow more seeds!

All the corn plants were cut down, all the leaves were taken to the cowshed to feed the cows, and the rest were buried in the soil.

Before returning to the stove, Xiao Yi put three more corns in the pot.

"Change the taste for breakfast today, don't eat fish!" Xiao Yi muttered, "Corn, milk, eggs, and another apple, it should be fine!"