Chapter 64: Take everyone in the bath

"No need to use it, I just want to use it on the blade!" Yuan Nong immediately replied, "When you develop, I don't have to worry about food. Besides, I will surrender to you if I have the opportunity in the future. Don't want me as an old man!"

"How can I have an old family like a treasure, don't worry, as long as you can determine your location, I will find a way to pick you up as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, but morels are better for cooking soup!" Yuan Lao reminded.

"Ah, I thought it was just like mushrooms, just grilled and eaten!" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Now this condition, as long as you are familiar with it!" Old Yuan replied with a smile.

"Yes, let's cook the soup in the evening, so we can do so at noon!" Xiao Yi said.

Su Wan saw the roasted hare meat sent over, and said distressedly: "It's such a hot day, the barbecue should be hotter!"

"Yes, so I just took a shower." Xiao Yi replied.

"What? You just took a bath? Did you go to the sea? This is too dangerous!" Su Wan said nervously.

Xiao Yi replied: "No, I have a bathroom!"

"Toilet?" In the video, Su Wan stared at Xiao Yi with wide eyes.

Everyone came to this island where birds don't **** at the same time. Everyone is still worrying about food and water. Do you have a house? There is a bathroom?

"Yeah?" Xiao Yi replied, "I have the opportunity to show you my bathroom. Although it is a bit small, the washing equipment is quite complete!"

Su Wan was a bit speechless, it would be nice to have a bathroom, but she also dislikes being small!

"Okay! I will definitely go to your island if I have a chance." Su Wan replied, and at the same time she thought enviously, "When can I take a bath, too?"

She feels that she is already rotten!

Talking about the bathroom, Xiao Yi suddenly realized that it seemed that Su Wan and the others could not take a bath.

Such hot weather has been going on for three days now, and everyone should feel a little smelly!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately switched to the trading floor and listed three sets of transactions.

"[Sea fish]*10kg, [Boiled water]*5L transaction [Tub manufacturing map]*1 or [Tub]*1, Remarks: Only three sets are required, first come first served!"

This wooden pot is the one used by Xiao Yi as a flower pot. It is so large that an adult can sit in without any problems.

"Some big guys have collected tubs, and those with tubs have made a lot of money, so much food and water, so envy!"

"Yeah, I happen to have a tub. When the manufacturing drawing was drawn before, it was made directly. It was of no great use. I thought it was a waste. I didn't expect it could save my life now! No food and water have been prescribed for two days! Thank you very much, boss!"

"I envy the luck upstairs, I want it too!"

"Brother, give me a sip of water, I'm yours tonight! Give me a glass of water, don't treat me like a person tonight! Give me two glasses of water, no matter how many people you come here tonight! Give me three glasses of water, whatever Are you here a human!"

"Upstairs is a ladyboy, identification is complete!"

"Oh, how can the gap between people be so big! Others trade in food and water for daily necessities, and I am still struggling with food and clothing!"

"Hey, let's not talk about it, go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams!"

Although the manufacturing map is relatively difficult to obtain, there is still a certain probability that the tub manufacturing map will be issued.

Xiao Yi gave enough food and water, so these three sets of transactions were quickly closed.

"Obtained materials: wooden basin*3."

They were all finished products, saving Xiao Yi himself from consuming resources to manufacture.

Xiao Yi looked outside, the sun was blazing!

"Wait to them in the afternoon!" Xiao Yi thought so.

Now trade it to them, and you will sweat again after taking a shower, so you won't wash it in vain!

Xiao Yi posted a message looking for An Ran on the public channel, and then lay down. It was too hot and had no appetite. The roasted hare was set aside, and Wangcai was eating right away.

"If there are no dangerous animals in the woods, hiding in the woods should be cooler now!" Xiao Yi muttered.

In a daze, Xiao Yi fell asleep, and when he woke up again, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Walking out of the apartment, the robot gardener is still conscientiously inspecting the various plots of land, watering the crops from time to time.

"Fortunately, there are gardeners, otherwise in such a hot day, I really can't take care of all the crops!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.


Xiao Yi's stomach has already begun to protest. He didn't eat lunch before, so it's time to eat something!

After reheating the cold roasted hare, Xiao Yi gobbled it down and ate it.

And the morels, the taste is delicate, it seems to have the fragrance of the woods and soil.

"It seems that the resources in the woods should be developed more, but the plants I know are too few. If Jiang Yuntian and Yuan Nong are allowed to go to the woods together, I might find a lot of food!" Xiao Yi muttered, "If It would be nice to know where they are!"

Of course, it's just sighing now, and there is no way to determine their location.

With such an emotional sentence, Xiao Yi began to boil water, filled three large tubs with half of hot water, and then traded it to the three of them.

"[Tub]*1, [Hot water]*700L transaction none."

"I didn't expect at the beginning, everyone shouldn't take a bath for a long time. Today, I will send you some hot water to wash off the sweat on your body!" Xiao Yi sent them a message.

Now anyway, there is a robot gardener to help him fill the water tank with seawater, no need to do it himself, tap water can already be supplied uninterrupted.

I'm comfortable and let my friends be touched.

Su Wan was moved to cry when she saw the information and the transaction sent by Xiao Yi.

During the day, I was still thinking about when I could take a bath. In the evening, Xiao Yi sent a bathtub and bath water!

Xiao Yi is like a roundworm in her belly, knowing what she thinks and can realize her thoughts.

Without taking a bath for more than ten days, Su Wan could hardly bear the smell of sweat on her body.

At the beginning, Su Wan didn't pay attention to personal hygiene either, because at that time, all her thoughts were on survival.

But now she has no pressure to survive and will pursue a better life.

Other people even have a problem with survival, so naturally they don't care if they smell of sweat on their bodies!

"You can wash your clothes a little by the way, anyway, the weather will dry quickly!" Xiao Yi added.

"Good!" Yuan Nong and Jiang Yuntian replied one after another.

Xiao Yi urged Xia Jiang Yuntian again: "Children shouldn't use too hot water, it will scald!"

"Well, I understand!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Others don't have enough fresh water to drink. Xiao Yi not only uses it to take a bath, but also sends a large basin to a few friends to take a bath!

Su Wan put the tub in her tent, and she bathed her whole body in the hot water in the tub, and all the pores in her body were opened!