Chapter 73: Wolf meat is unpalatable, the role of leather machine

"The one upstairs must be with the big guy! Mad, the seed of the pitman is so refreshing and refined, I have taken it too!"

"Yes, whether you are a bigwig or not, I even scold you!"

"Swear him to death, so that he dare not show up!"

The person who spoke before was not even ready to fight with this boring group of people.

Xiao Yi is even less likely to waste time with them on this.

Go out of the apartment, set the fully automatic fishing net to targetless fishing, then return to the apartment, ready to rest.

There is no entertainment here, rest early and get up early tomorrow!

After closing all doors and windows, Xiao Yi lay on the bed, and all the outside voices were cut off.

Soon Xiao Yi fell asleep.

The next day, Xiao Yi woke up naturally when he slept, and suddenly there was a rush of Wangcai's cry outside.

"Are there wild boars again?" Xiao Yi muttered. From Wangcai's cry, he heard the same emotions as yesterday.

This time Xiao Yi didn't take anything, and went straight out.

When I arrived at the location of Wangcai, I found that it was confronting six wolves!

"I just sent a wild boar yesterday, and six wolves are here today. The woods are really good to me!" Xiao Yi muttered, and then rushed towards the wolves without any nonsense.

When the wolves saw Xiao Yi rushing over, they were not afraid at all, but instead rushed towards Xiao Yi at the same time.

A wolf opened his blood basin and bit at Xiao Yi's neck!

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and commented: "Slightly faster than the speed of the wild boar yesterday, but it is still not enough!"

After that, Xiao Yi flashed past the wolf sideways and hit the wolf's neck with a punch!


With a violent fracture sound, the wolf was fisted by Xiao Yi and flew out, and fell heavily to the ground. After a few laps, there was no sound.

Wangcai has also rushed up, biting a wolf's neck with one bite.

The wolf didn't have any reaction at all, and his neck was snapped by Wangcai in an instant!

After Xiao Yi flew the wolf, the other four were close at hand, and he kicked out all four of them!

The four wolves also flew upside down, rolled to the ground, and there was no sound!

Looking at the six wolves, Xiao Yi muttered: "I don't know if wolf meat is delicious!"

The corpses of the wolves were dragged back, and their skins were carefully peeled off.

"The leather machine can finally be used!" Xiao Yi put all the wolf skins into the leather machine.

Soon he got the processed wolf skin, which was very soft and had no peculiar smell.

And what shocked Xiao Yi was that after the treatment, the facial hair on the wolf skin still remained, and it was also soft and odorless!

"There is something about this leather machine!" Xiao Yi muttered, "This way we can make six wolf fur coats! It's just a pity that I don't have any needles and threads!"

As for the wolf meat, Xiao Yi roasted it a little bit, ready to give it a try.

"Well, what is this stuff, the meat is thick and astringent!" Xiao Yi spit out directly.

Looking at the wolf meat, Xiao Yi thought for a while, and muttered: "Don't waste it, make it cheaper, sell it!"

With that said, Xiao Yi cut the wolf meat into 1kg each, and then hung it on the trading floor.

"[Wolf Meat] *1kg trades all kinds of basic materials, remarks: wolf meat is rough, don't mind shooting!"

Everyone was shocked as soon as the deal was put on the shelves.

"Wolf meat? Where did this wolf come from?"

"Yeah, it seems that there are only people on our islands. How can there be other animals?"

"The boss will not be sailing out to sea, I have found other islands!"

"Hey, this is very possible!"

"Kneel to the boss! We are still struggling on the island, and the boss has hunted wolves on other islands!"

"However, wolves usually appear in groups, how did the boss solve the wolves!"

"Maybe the big guy has made a gun in his hand, otherwise, how do you think he has done a wolf pack?"

"It makes sense, I am so envious of the life of a big man, I can only exchange materials for some wolf meat, and I can feel it!"

"Brother, do you want to change wolf meat? Have you read the remarks? Wolf meat is not delicious!"

"Also ask if it is delicious, some are good! I only have some basic materials now, thank goodness if I can change to food!"

"Yes, hey, let me change it too!"

At this time, Su Wan and the others also noticed the wolf meat on the trading floor and sent news to Xiao Yi one after another.

"Xiao Yi, have you seen it? Someone is selling wolf meat. Could someone really find other islands?" Su Wan asked.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "That's me!"

"Ah? Have you met wolves?" Su Wan asked anxiously, "Are you injured?"

"No, don't worry, I can kill a tiger if I am strong now!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Only you are poor!" Su Wan replied, "Seeing that you put so much wolf meat on the shelves, there should be more than one wolf!"

"Six horses, that meat is really terrible! Simply let them use their remaining heat and exchange some resources to come back!" Xiao Yi replied.

"So much?" Su Wan exclaimed, and then reluctantly said, "Now everyone is starving, and you still think that wolf meat is unpalatable here. It's really more popular!"

Xiao Yi also replied to the other two. The wolf meat on the trading floor was hung up by himself.

Jiang Yuntian said with emotion: "Your island is also evolving too fast! It is estimated that lions and tigers will appear in a few days! Be careful!"

Xiao Yi replied: "This is really possible! But don't worry, even if the tiger comes, I will let it go back and forth!"

"Be careful. I don't have a heat weapon in my hand. I have no chance of winning against a wild tiger!" Jiang Yuntian reminded.

"Well, don't worry!" Xiao Yi responded.

Yuan Nong just reminded Xia Xiao Yi to pay attention to safety, and didn't say more.

The wolf meat hanging on the trading floor quickly sold out. Although the meat is unpalatable, it is cheap!

At this time, everyone is more to eat and live!

The question of whether it is difficult or not, it is a question that needs to be considered after having enough food and clothing!

Xiao Yi simply prepared breakfast, half a corn, half an apple, a glass of milk, and sent some oil residue.

"This is the oil residue from the wild boar refinery yesterday. It tastes very delicious!" Xiao Yi left a message to them.

"I still don't want it, it's too oily, I've gained weight recently!" Su Wan refused at the time.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "You were too skinny originally, you should be a little bit fatter!"

"Do you really think so?" Su Wan asked.

"Of course, the skinny ones are skinny, what's so beautiful!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Good!" Su Wan decisively agreed to the transaction and accepted the oil residue.

Xiao Yi was a little dazed, and secretly said, "Women are fickle!"

Yuan Nong looked at the food with the lowest A grade, and said again with emotion: "You must have come in through the back door, there are definitely people on it!"

Hearing these words again, Xiao Yi's heart was tense, as if someone was really watching them for survival.