Chapter 77: Heavy rain, heavy crossbows, and erosion again

The previous barbecue did not use oil, and the grilled food always felt something missing!

Xiao Yi took out the dressed vegetables, potatoes and meat skewers and put them on the grill!

"Although the weather is hot, it can't stop me from pursuing food!" Xiao Yi said.

After roasting a few skewers, Xiao Yi immediately fled back to the apartment.

"It's too hot! Let's go slowly in pursuit of food!" Xiao Yi muttered helplessly.

While enjoying the meat skewers just grilled, Xiao Yi watched the chat on the public channel.

"It's almost two weeks, Huihui, where are you? Why don't you keep looking for me?"

"Should be hiding in front of the island stele on such a hot day, she should be able to see it! Maybe not paying attention, be patient!"

"If it gets so hot, I just jumped into the sea and committed suicide!"

"Don't worry, everyone, when this week passes, I believe there will be a turning point!"

"Transfer? You are too naive! The first week is going to be escalated and the test is over. After this week, it is estimated that the test will be even more difficult!"

"Don't be so pessimistic, everyone, there is always hope for not dying!"

"But I'm dying!"

Xiao Yi looked at the pessimistic mood in the public channel, sighed, and then sent a message to find An Ran and lay on the bed.

The other survivors were so hot that they couldn't sleep at all. Xiao Yi lay in the air-conditioned room and slowly fell asleep.

When Xiao Yi woke up again, it was dark!

"What's the situation?" Xiao Yi quickly glanced at the system.

The time is 15:25 in the afternoon.

Why is it dark at this time? Xiao Yi walked out suspiciously.

The dark clouds outside, felt as if they were about to press on his head, Xiao Yi felt extremely stuffy!

"It's going to rain heavily!" Xiao Yi said.



A flash of lightning split the dark clouds, as if splitting the sky, the rain poured down!

Xiao Yi walked back to the island monument, and the public channel was full of joy!

"It's raining, great! Finally, there is no need to worry about the water problem!"

"Yeah, hurry up and rent an ignition device, there will be unlimited water when you boil the rain!"

"Finally it's not so hot anymore, it's nice to be in the rain!"

"Beware of colds!"

Xiao Yi watched them in joy and switched to a private channel.

"Is it raining over there?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It's down, it's huge!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Su Wan hid in the tent and said, "Get off, there is almost water in my tent!"

"It's down here too, but it's just a normal light rain!" Yuan Nong replied.

Based on the size of the rain for the three of them, Xiao Yi probably judged that Yuan Nong should be farther away from him, and the other two seemed to be in the same area as him!

"Everyone, be careful not to catch a cold in the rain!" Xiao Yi exclaimed, and then went out to continue the unfinished barbecue in the morning!

This time, because there is oil that can be applied to the vegetables, the roasted vegetables, potatoes and pork skewers are full of aroma!

Send these baked things to Su Wan and the others.

"Hey, there is oil on the little green vegetables this time!" Su Wan said in surprise, "but it doesn't seem to be lard?"

"You can see this?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Of course, the two oils are very different, okay!" Su Wan replied.

"Well, this time I used soybean oil. After the soybeans were harvested, some oil was squeezed out!" Xiao Yi said, "Although it's not much, it's still enough!"

"Your stuff is getting more and more complete!" Su Wan said with a smile.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied, "There are still many things left!"

"You are content!" Su Wan finished speaking and went to enjoy the skewers.

The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and the raindrops are connected in a line.

"Will you flood my field?" Xiao Yi thought with a frown.

"No! Automatic intelligent irrigation equipment will clean up waterlogging in time!" the system prompts.

"Awesome!" Xiao Yi said with a thumbs up.

Seeing the sky still gloomy, not knowing how long the rain will last, so Xiao Yi wore his own clothes and walked into the rain curtain.

The seven material boxes caught today were dragged into the wooden workshop, and then the fully automatic fishing nets were adjusted to cast nets without targets.

Open the material box!

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*2, duvet*1,..."

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*1, heavy crossbow manufacturing map*1,..."

"Obtaining supplies:..."

There are seven material boxes, four cornerstones, 500g bread, a manufacturing map, and duvets for protecting against the cold, and the rest are some basic materials.

"[Heavy crossbow manufacturing drawing]: Wood*50, animal tendons*4, iron*10."

"Fortunately, the wild boar and wolf provided me with seven units of animal tendons before, otherwise there is really no way to make this thing!" Xiao Yi


Before returning to the island monument, he immediately made this heavy crossbow.

"Please choose a placement location."

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and placed the heavy crossbow on the beach right in front of the apartment. Since it was a heavy crossbow, it must be a large crossbow with great power.

If someone else really landed in the future, with such a weapon, at least it would be able to prevent the other person from landing.

After placing it, Xiao Yi returned to the island monument and continued to watch the people chat.

"Why doesn't the rain stop?"

"Yeah, I'm still going to go out and fish two boxes of supplies!"

"Then go, I just got one back!"

"Such a heavy rain, you are not afraid of getting sick?"

"I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid of starving to death or drowning! When I come back I will take off my wet clothes and burn them on fire!"

"Then I have to rush out too!"

"Does everyone fight like this?"

"If you don't work hard, you will die! Can you not work hard?"

Xiao Yi sent a message to Su Wan and the three: "Don't catch the material box in the rain. It is very troublesome to get sick. It is not worthwhile for a material box."

The three of them responded one after another.

The rain outside kept falling, and slowly merged into a stream on the back mountain of Xiao Yi's apartment.

Finally, it flowed to the ditch he dug, and now the ditch looked wider than the one dug at the beginning.

Xiao Yi slowly fell asleep listening to the sound of rain outside.

This time I slept until the next day.

Oh oh oh!

Xiao Yi was awakened by the faint rooster cry!

I got up and looked through the chat records on the island stele, and found that it had been down until five o'clock in the morning yesterday, without stopping at all!

I walked out of the apartment and found that it was bright, but it was no longer hot!

"Finally a good day!" Xiao Yi muttered.

"The sea is eroding the area of ​​the island, and the current progress is 30%." The system prompts.

"Has it already started?" Xiao Yi said, and then walked to the field, first harvesting the forage and throwing it into the cowshed.

The fish pit dug before was once again filled with marine fish, and the fully automatic fishing net was a good harvest last night.

Xiao Yi had to process a large number of sea fish, preparing to marinate them into dried fish for preservation.

Adjust the goal of the automatic fishing net, and then came to the back of the apartment, the original small mound has evolved into a hill two to three hundred meters high.