Chapter 80: Mini locator, plan to converge

Xiao Yi, who understands the cause and effect, said: "Uncle An, recently you have taken care of your injury. Don't go fishing for the material box. I have plenty of water and food. Don't worry. You can go fishing when you are well. !"

"How much water and food can you have?" Anyue asked tentatively. He was worried that Xiao Yi would swell his face to fill up the fat man, and he was even more worried that he would drag Xiao Yi down.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "The sea fish and boiled water on the trading floor are mine!"

"What!" Anyue's eyes widened.

It turns out that the big guy who has been discussing in the public channel is Xiao Yi.

"So you have collected a lot of supplies!" Anyue said, "You stinky boy, when you find An Ran, you must support her more!"

"Uncle An, don't worry, when I find An Ran, I will definitely take her to my island!" Xiao Yi promised.

"It's pretty much the same. Since you are so rich, then I'm not polite to you. In the past few days, I've been recuperating with peace of mind! I will pay you back when I'm well." Anyue said.

"Uncle An, you are serious!" Xiao Yi waved his hand and said.

After a while, Anyue couldn't help asking: "I'm very curious, where did you get so many marine fish? If it's not convenient, you can just leave it alone."

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "There is nothing to say, I have advanced fishing nets, which are fully automatic, otherwise I would be exhausted to catch so many fish by myself!"

"No wonder!" Anyue suddenly realized.

"Uncle An, take a break first, and stare at the island monument by the way to see if there is any news about An Ran and Auntie!" Xiao Yi said.


After the chat, Xiao Yi sighed.

Although An Ran was not found, finding Uncle Anyue was a step forward.

Fortunately, I found Anyue at this time. If two days pass, the consequences will be disastrous.

"According to Uncle An, I don't know when the world will merge the different servers. Otherwise, wouldn't I never find Anran?" Xiao Yi pondered the news that he had just speculated.

But now Xiao Yi's strength has no way to compete with this world, he can only improve his strength as soon as possible!

With a slight sigh, Xiao Yi thought that he hadn't signed in today, and immediately said, "System, sign in!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in for a week in a row, and get a reward: Micro locator (SS level)*5!"

"Micro-positioning device (SS level): A small positioning device. As long as it is turned on, anyone with a micro-positioning device can know the specific location of other people, but it cannot image and can only show the location on a flat map."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was about to jump up excitedly!

As long as he sends this thing to his friends, he can confirm their location on the map!

That is to say, the page of the map on the island monument finally has its place!

Xiao Yi didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately came to the island monument and sent four of them to Su Wan and the others.

"[Micro Locator] (SS level) *1 No transaction!"

"How did you get this thing?" This is the first reply from everyone seeing this thing!

"It's not important. Hurry up and agree to the transaction, turn on the micro locator, let's see how far the distance is, and whether it is possible to converge together soon!" Xiao Yi said.

Su Wan and the others agreed to the transaction, and then turned on the miniature locator.

Xiao Yi switched to the map interface of the island monument and observed it.

At this time, five bright spots appeared on the map. Except for Xiao Yi's own bright spots, the distribution of the other four is really not close!

The farthest one is Yuan Nong. According to the scale on this map, Yuan Nong should be about two thousand kilometers northeast of him!

No wonder it was only light rain on Yuan Nong when it rained heavily here.

The other three are similar. Su Wan and Yuan Nong are in the same direction, about 800 kilometers away from Xiao Yi.

Jiang Yuntian is about 900 kilometers south of Xiao Yi!

Anyue is about 700 kilometers west of Xiao Yi!

The one closest to him was the last contacted Anyue.

"So far?" Yuan Nong looked at the signs on the map and sent a message to Xiao Yi with a wry smile.

Xiao Yi hesitated and replied: "I have a big ship, but now this sea is too dangerous..."

"Give me, I'll meet with you!" Yuan Nong said decisively, "I know the danger, but time waits for no one. In case the natives here can find us, I will be captured on the island alone, why not now Give it a go!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Okay! Old Yuan, let's take a fight together, believe me or not?"

"Of course I believe you, it wasn't you and I would have died!" Yuan Nong replied decisively.

"Well, you have a good rest today, and tomorrow morning, you will set off immediately and sail to the point between you and me." Xiao Yi said.

Yuan Nong suddenly thought of a question and said awkwardly, "I am only familiar with agriculture, and I can't sail!"

"Don't worry about this, I have tried it. The boat here is still easy to drive, supported by world rules!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay!" Yuan Nong was relieved now.

"Before you leave your island, transfer the island stele to the ship, and take away all the materials and all that can be taken away!" Xiao Yi exhorted, "Be sure to transfer the island stele to the ship. This is the key to repairing the hull at sea! "

"Yes, got it!"

"Remember, no matter what kind of marine life is attacked on the road, as long as it doesn't delay your driving, then ignore it. If the hull is damaged, repair it in time. Tell me what materials are needed!"


"If you really encounter those large marine creatures, use a continuous crossbow to fight hard!" Xiao Yi said.


After finishing the chat, Yuan Nong looked at the endless sea in front of him, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that when I grow old, I can conquer the sea again!"

This road is two thousand kilometers, which is really not close!

"Our distance is so far!" Su Wan said to Xiao Yi on the island monument looking at the 800 kilometers.

Xiao Yi replied: "Old Yuan has decided to rendezvous with me. I will trade him a ship, and he will sail to your island first."

"Ah? So far, isn't it very dangerous on this road?" Su Wan exclaimed.

"But no one knows what the world will be like next week, we must hurry up to converge!" Xiao Yi said.

Su Wan nodded, and replied decisively: "Okay, when Old Yuan comes over, we will go to your island together!"


Jiang Yuntian also sent a message: "The distance is a little far away, and the small wooden boat can't reach your island at all!"

"Did you forget that I have a medium-sized sailboat?" Xiao Yi replied.

"Although there are medium-sized sailboats, this road is too dangerous, especially Yuan Lao's side, too far!" Jiang Yuntian frowned.