Chapter 85: The law of marine life attacking islands

"I just injured a sea fish that was nearly one meter long on my side, and it ran away!" Su Wan exhaled and said.

"My side was also attacked by marine creatures. I couldn't move easily. I didn't see the specific animal, but the other party destroyed a cornerstone and left!" Anyue replied.

Hearing the replies from Su Wan and Anyue, Xiao Yi said: "Is your island all attacked by only one marine animal?"

"Yes!" the two responded one after another.

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and said: "Based on the information we already know, we can basically summarize the following three points. First, the larger the area, the more marine animals will be attacked! For example, I have encountered two marine animal attacks. Attack."

"Secondly, if the marine animals that come to attack the cornerstone can be injured, there is a probability that they will be driven away!"

"The third is, if you don't do any defensive counterattack, marine life is likely to only destroy a cornerstone and leave!"

When the others heard these three/points, they nodded one after another.

"Uncle An, you only have three squares now!" Xiao Yi asked.

"Well, yes!" Anyue replied.

"So even though you are injured, you still have to move!" Xiao Yi said, "I will make you a pair of crutches. Once there are marine creatures, you must fight back!"

"Understand!" Anyue nodded.

Xiao Yi immediately walked out, and in the factory, he quickly made a rough walking stick and an iron gun at the same time. Then he returned to the island monument and traded for Anyue.

"[Simple crutches]*1, [Iron Gun]*1, [Cornerstone]*1 No transaction."

Seeing that Xiao Yi had sent a cornerstone, Anyue hesitated before agreeing to the transaction.

"This cornerstone is not a last resort, absolutely not necessary!" Anyue secretly made up his mind.

Xiao Yi switched to the public channel. He needs more information to verify whether the three/points he summarized before are correct!

"Fuck/slot, what's the situation? I was awakened by the sound of the island monument when I was still asleep, saying that the foundation stone of the island was being attacked?"

"The same is mine. I dare not go over and look at any situation. Isn't it a monster?"

"God **** monsters, Ultraman has watched too much. They are all sea animals, so hurry up and get guns and go with them!"

"Ah? They are all underwater, how to fight?"

"Damn, can you take a look and then talk! No matter what kind of marine life is the closest part of the water to attack the cornerstone!"

"What kind of saliva is wasted with such a coercion, when all his foundation stones are destroyed by marine creatures, let him go down to the sea to accompany those marine creatures!"

"What? Can they really destroy our foundation stone?"

"Hey, how fresh! It is estimated that a lot of people's cornerstones have been destroyed!"

At the beginning, because of the fear of the unknown, many survivors did not respond in time, and many people's islands disappeared by one square meter.

"I just harvested a few cornerstones yesterday, and I was killed at the beginning of today. How can this be alive!"

"Mom, I want to go home!"

"It's useless to call it anything, hurry up and pick up weapons to guard your island!"

"Yes, as long as you can hurt him, you can beat him away. I just beat one away!"

"Yes! Come on, everyone, no one can help you, only on your own!"

"Have you noticed that those marine creatures will leave after they seem to have destroyed a cornerstone!"

"Huh? Are you sure?"

"It seems to be true. I didn't resist. Let the marine creatures attack. After destroying a cornerstone, it has already left."

"In other words, as long as we can find the cornerstone in time, even if we don't fight against that marine life, we can guarantee that our island will not disappear."

"You are too optimistic, can you be sure how many waves of marine life will come? If there is only one wave a day, it would be okay. Personally, if I try to get a few more supply boxes every day, it is still possible to make up for the missing cornerstone, but If more than once..."

The man did not go on, but everyone knew what was meant by what was not said later.

"How many attacks have everyone's islands been attacked?"


"Me too!"

"One time is enough, has anyone been attacked twice?"

People in public channels said that they had only been attacked once.

"Is it the only one who was attacked twice?" Xiao Yi frowned as he watched the chat in the public channel.

"Attention: The foundation stone of the island is being attacked..."

"Made, here again!"

After a quick glance at the attacked location, Xiao Yi grabbed Tang Dao and Iron Spear and rushed out again.

When Xiao Yi arrived at the location, he saw an ordinary marine fish pecking at the cornerstone.

Xiao Yi immediately pierced the spear, and this time he hit it!

With Xiao Yi's current physical fitness, as long as the weapon is slightly stronger, these marine creatures are basically not threatening.

After bringing the sea fish back to the apartment, Xiao Yi thought: "It should be basically determined that the island area will be attacked more, but the specific area will increase. It is not known at this time!"

Without other players' island area data, it is naturally impossible to determine this conclusion!

"Xiao Yi, the hull on my side was attacked by marine creatures! Repair needs: plank*10, copper*2."

"My side is also under attack. I need: board *20, iron *5."

Yuan Nong and Jiang Yuntian sent messages at the same time, and Xiao Yi immediately sent them the corresponding materials.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi gave them extra wooden boards, iron and copper.

Without affecting the speed of their ships, they kept some basic repair materials on their respective ships.

"Su Wan, Uncle An, if your side encounters a second marine animal attack, you must tell me!" Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Understand!" Su Wan and Anyue responded.

After tossing for so long, before Xiao Yi had time to add feed to the cowshed and chicken coop, he immediately went out, mow the pasture once, and then threw it into the cowshed.

This time the chicken house also put some chopped grass, plus some corn meal, fish meal, which is rich in nutrients!

Under the careful care of the hens, the 19 chicks have grown up, and it is estimated that they can start laying eggs in two days at most!

And the coconut trees in the S-level flower bed to the east of the apartment have already bear fruit, and they should be mature in two days!

This is an S-grade coconut. At that time, he also promised Jiang Yuntian and gave him one!

For those vegetables with a short growth cycle, Xiao Yi has already reduced the planting area.

Of course, Xiao Yi will naturally leave some spare parts for the seeds of these vegetables!

After harvesting some vegetables, Xiao Yi walked back to the apartment again.

Yuan Nong and Jiang Yuntian continued to report that their hull was attacked by marine creatures.

However, Xiao Yi had already sent them some basic materials before, but they just needed to constantly repair them.