Chapter 88: An Ran, a bad night

"These save a little use, it should last for a week!" The girl thought, looking at the boiled water and sea fish that had just been traded back.

"Dad, mom, where are you two and why can't you contact you all the time?"

"I don't know if he came into this world, I hope not, this world is too cruel!"

The girl looked at the endless sea and sighed slightly.

If Xiao Yi could see this girl, he would definitely jump up happily!

Because the girl in this white dress is the Enron he has been thinking about!

Although An Ran is a rich second generation, Anyue has always been strict in her education, not only studying, but also in terms of physical exercise.

Anyue has always believed that no matter what you do, you must have a good body!

After coming to this world, An Ran managed to survive the first two weeks with her own efforts, although it was very hard.

She has also been looking for her parents, but there is also no response. The two consecutive weeks of no news gave her the idea of ​​giving up.

Because Xiao Yi has been busy sailing Yuan Nong and Jiang Yuntian, and his own island has been attacked one after another, he has not had time to publish the news on the island monument to find Enron.

Otherwise, An Ran might have seen Xiao Yi's news.

Anyue sent one, but it was quickly overwhelmed by other new news. An Ran was fishing the material box at the time and missed it too!

With so many survivors speaking, no one will look through the chat records above in a hurry. If they really want to look through it, it is estimated that they can't do anything in a day and they won't be able to look through it!

After the transaction was completed, Enron's island monument suddenly prompted: "Attention: the island's cornerstone is being attacked..."

An Ran immediately got up, grabbed the iron gun on the side and rushed out!

Xiao Yi sat in front of the island monument and watched as everyone was enthusiastically discussing the water and food he put on the shelves, and there were constant transactions in the trading floor.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi sent a message in the public channel: "An Ran, if you see this message, please chat with me privately in time!"

However, this information was quickly topped and invisible!

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that the warehouses that were about to be emptied quickly filled up, Xiao Yi secretly said that the supplies should be able to last for a while!

Jiang Yuntian and Yuan Nong are attacked by marine life almost every less than an hour.

But fortunately, these attacks are not as serious as the previous ones. After repairing the island monument, continue sailing and get rid of the marine creatures.

Since being attacked by marine creatures for the fourth time, Xiao Yi's island has never been attacked by marine creatures.

"The area of ​​my island is 2424 square meters, and the number of attacks in a day is 4 times. There should be a certain correlation between the two!" Xiao Yi calculated in his heart.

However, there is no clue as to the specifics of this association. After all, there is too little data to find its association.

Today, Xiao Yi obtained a total of four material boxes. After opening them, he obtained 3 foundation stones. The others were some basic materials, without water and food.

Because of the marine creatures attacking the cornerstones, Xiao Yi didn't immediately use the three cornerstones, but kept them.

Now that marine organisms attack the cornerstone, the cornerstone will definitely become more precious in the future, and it will be more difficult to trade with materials.

In order to help Enron in the future, Xiao Yi decided to keep some of the cornerstones.

Of course, it is also to help Anyue. He is inconvenient to move. It is estimated that marine life can destroy a cornerstone every time.

Xiao Yi could only help him prepare in advance!

Su Wan also found two material boxes and opened two cornerstones. The others were basic materials, all of which were traded to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi lay on the bed and said, "Wangcai, if anyone is looking for me, call me in time!"

"Wow!" Wangcai replied, and then lay down in front of the island monument.

Before going to bed, Xiao Yi sent Yuan Nong and Jiang Yuntian some basic materials for restoration, which should last for a while!

Xiao Yi looked at the island monument worriedly, and fell asleep in a daze.


I don't know how long it took, Wangcai's cry awakened Xiao Yi!

Xiao Yi rushed to the island monument and saw that Jiang Yuntian was calling for help. He needed more supplies to repair the ship!

Xiao Yi immediately traded the materials he needed.

"Why were you attacked at this time?" Xiao Yi said.

"I am also resting. The sound of the island stele awakened me. I don't know anything. The hull is damaged!" Jiang Yuntian was also a little helpless.

"Hey, repair it and see if there are any attacks by marine life!" Xiao Yi replied.

After a while, Jiang Yuntian replied: "I haven't found it so far. I don't even know what attacked my ship! Go to sleep!"

Xiao Yi also shook his head, and said, "Well, then continue to rest!"

Xiao Yi fell asleep again.

About an hour later, Wangcai awakened Xiao Yi again.

Xiao Yi rubbed his sleepy eyes and came to the island monument and found that Yuan Nong had insufficient supplies.

"Xiao Yi, I don't have enough supplies here. I should have been hit by a huge marine fish just now, but it doesn't seem to have been chasing me and hitting!" Yuan Nong sent a message.

Xiao Yi sent the supplies Yuan Nong needed and said, "Well, if the other party doesn't continue to attack, then take a rest!"

"Yeah!" Yuan Nong replied.

Xiao Yi glanced at the system, the time was 00:30.

"So it's only midnight!" Xiao Yi was helpless, "I guess you don't expect to sleep well recently!"

Sure enough, as he expected, Xiao Yi was woken up by Wangcai every two hours in the middle of the night, and then provided basic materials to Jiang Yuntian and Yuan Nong to repair the hull!

In this way, came to the morning in a daze.

"Oh oh oh!"


Xiao Yi was awakened by the duet in the chicken coop again!

It's not hot anymore, so Xiao Yi didn't turn on the air conditioner, and almost all the doors and windows were open!

Xiao Yi rubbed his eyes, and said helplessly, "Is there any happy event that called me so early?"

Reluctantly got up, walked to the chicken coop, and saw the more than 20 eggs in the chicken coop, Xiao Yi's dissatisfaction was immediately thrown out of the sky.

This means that the chickens have finally reached the laying period, and Xiao Yi's chicken coop can already produce eggs in large quantities!

However, now Xiao Yi's two chicken coops have not reached full capacity, so Xiao Yi can only use the method taught by Yuan Nong to judge those unfertilized eggs and take them out as food. The rest will still have to hatch chickens, at least You have to fill up the two chicken coops!

Just after judging the eggs and taking out the unfertilized eggs as food, Wangcai cried again in the room.

Xiao Yi had to rush back to the island monument.

"Xiao Yi, another whale appears!"

"Xiao Yi, the wind on my side suddenly becomes stronger, and it feels like a tornado is about to form!"