Chapter 91: Conjecture that the island was attacked

"There are a few commonly recognized words on public channels, I am one of them, and I am very familiar with the rest, but you are not among these people!"

"How is it possible, you must have not paid attention, I have been in the water group in the public channel!"

"I also often water, why haven't I seen you?"

"Are you sure you have been speaking in the public channel?"

"OK, I said I didn't speak, would I not know?"

"I see!"

"What do you know?"

"This should be the new friend mentioned in the tip of the island monument!"

"Huh? It seems to be true! Since the newcomer is here, then friends from the world may meet again, Li Xin, are you there? Talk to me privately if you are!"

For a while, the entire channel is looking for relatives and friends!

"You are really alive, great!"

"I thought I would never see you again!"

For a time, two people really found their relatives!

Now Xiao Yi can be more certain of his judgment.

"An Ran, are you there? See the message and chat with me privately!" Xiao Yi thought so, and sent a message looking for An Ran on the public channel.

"I suggest that everyone insist on not drinking water for a day, so that these information about looking for relatives and friends can be kept for a longer period of time!"

"I agree!"

"Agree to +1."

"Okay, from now on, everyone is prohibited from sending messages other than tracing people!"

Regardless of the people who had conflicts before, at this time, the previous conflicts were unanimously let go. The entire chat interface was filled with information for finding someone.

Xiao Yi was alone in the previous world, and his only concern was Enron.

Anyue also sent a message looking for An Ran and her mother!

Although everyone decided not to talk about other things, almost everyone had relatives to look for, and the messages sent by Xiao Yi and the others were quickly turned out of sight.

At this time, An Ran was fighting with a sea snake.

Girls are naturally afraid of animals like snakes, but An Ran still plucked up the courage to guard his cornerstone.

She kept beating the sea snake in the water with the iron gun in her hand, but the resistance of the water greatly reduced the power of the iron gun!

Moreover, sea snakes are a little different from sea fishes. Sea snakes are very slippery and are not easy to be stabbed.

Just whipping the surface of the water, but also can not scare away the sea snake staring at the cornerstone!

An Ran's arms are already sour, but the sea snake is still attacking the cornerstone of the island!

Although she still has three cornerstones in her hand, they are for her parents and cannot be used easily!

An Ran kept stabbing, stirring, and beating into the water, but the sea snake seemed to have become accustomed to An Ran's attacks, without a trace of fear.

At the same time, the sea snake seemed to be determined and had to destroy the foundation stone!

An Ran kept obstructing, but it could only hinder the sea snake's attack, but could not drive it away!

The two were so deadlocked.

Xiao Yi and Anyue repeatedly sent messages to find An Ran, but An Ran had no chance to return to the island monument.

"Didi, pay attention: the cornerstone of the island is being attacked!"

Xiao Yi glanced helplessly at the private channel, then grabbed Tang Dao and Iron Spear and rushed out again.

Jiang Yuntian's sea surface gradually calmed down, he put away the anchor, and continued to drive the boat towards Xiaoyi Island.

"Hey, there is an island!" Jiang Yuntian suddenly found that there was an island on the left side of the direction he was driving.

After a little thought, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​looking at the past.

With his strength, most people can be easily solved, but he is not the kind of brutal person.

If you come to provoke me, you will be punishable even if you are far away.

"Xiao Yi, I saw a small island!" Jiang Yuntian reported in the group.

"Don't worry about it for now." Xiao Yi just finished solving the ordinary marine fish that attacked his cornerstone just now, and when he came back, he saw the news of Jiang Yuntian, so he replied.

"Understand!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi desperately needs someone to come and help, he is alone and lacks skills.

It is necessary to pay attention to the information on the island monument, to watch Jiang Yuntian's sea voyage, to provide timely assistance with supplies, and to deal with the attack on his island.

This is not a matter of planting and breeding!

At Jiang Yuntian's current speed, in about one day, he will be able to come to his island!

At this time, a small boat hung far behind Jiang Yuntian's sailing boat, and a middle-aged man with a beard struggling to row his boat.

"It's the big ship that runs fast!" The beard murmured, and the eyes of the medium-sized sailing ship showed endless greed!

Because there is no detector such as radar, Jiang Yuntian needs to keep an eye on the course and constantly repair the hull damaged by those small marine creatures. He has no extra energy to observe the surrounding large-scale situation. The beard has an opportunity!

Xiao Yi now has no other free time at all. He hastily cooked a large pot of pork rib soup and put some potatoes. This is everyone's lunch.

Of course there is also a cucumber that has just been picked from the ground and milk that has just been boiled.

"[Wild Pork Spare Rib Soup]*1kg, [Cucumber]*200g, [Milk] (Grade A)*500ml No trading."

"Everyone make do, there is no time to eat food recently!" Xiao Yi left a message to everyone.

"These are already very good, and many of them are still not full of food and can't drink water!" Su Wan said.

"Su Wan is right, we are already considered a luxury package!" Yuan Nong, who had thrown away the killer whale, was in a good mood!

"If this is improvised, I don't ask too much, I hope to improvise every day!" Jiang Yuntian also said with a smile.

Anyue did not agree to the transaction. He was still staring at the island monument, hoping that someone could chat with him privately, but he never did.

"Uncle An, let's eat, if An Ran sees it, she will definitely contact you and me!" Xiao Yi said.

Anyue nodded and agreed to Xiao Yi's transaction.

Xiao Yi just took a sip of the soup himself, and the island stele once again reminded that the cornerstone of the island was attacked!

"It really doesn't make people feel at ease!" Before Xiao Yi left, once again sent some basic materials to Jiang Yuntian and Yuan Nong, and then rushed out.

Fortunately, this time it was still just an ordinary marine fish, Xiao Yi solved it easily.

"The island is large, and not all the marine creatures that come to attack are of high level!"

"Although there was a shark yesterday, the shark's grade is normal, and only the electric eel is C grade."

"A Class B sea turtle has appeared today, and the other two attacks are ordinary marine fish."

"Maybe, there is only one high-level marine creature every day, and the others are of ordinary level!"

Xiao Yi thought so and hurried back to the apartment.

Of course, this is just a bold conjecture. What is the specific situation, you have to look at the situation for a few more days.

After returning to the apartment for lunch, Xiao Yi added some feed to the chicken coop and cowshed.