Chapter 94: Kill the giant

With that said, Jiang Yuntian directly set the number of anesthesia bullets to 1, and then click to launch!

The anesthesia/gun automatically recognizes which position of the giant octopus is most likely to be attacked by anesthesia bullets.


The bullet was submerged and hit the octopus in the head accurately!

Within a short time after the bullet was fired, the octopus damaged the sailing boat again. After Jiang Yuntian repaired it again, the island stele was no longer damaged!

Jiang Yuntian threw the ordinary anchor that came with the sailing boat into the water. He didn't need to use it to stop the boat, but it would be convenient for him to climb onto the sailing boat after a while!

"Junjun, stay here and don't move. If there are acquaintances looking for dad on the island monument, you tell them that I am going to sea!" Jiang Yuntian exhorted.

"Good!" Junjun replied.

Jiang Yuntian took the fishing net and took the Class B dagger and jumped straight down!


Jiang Yuntian plunged into the sea, and he saw that the huge octopus had stopped his movements and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

He immediately swam over and completely cut the octopus's head in half with his dagger!

I have to say that the effect of anesthesia/gun is extremely powerful!

The octopus was divided by Jiang Yuntian, and there was still no response!

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuntian intercepted all the big tentacles of the octopus, then put them in the fishing net and tied them to the anchor!

He himself quickly got on the boat along the anchor chain!

After getting on the boat, Jiang Yuntian took the anchor up, and dragged up the octopus tentacles of the entire fishing net.

"Such a big smell of blood, it is estimated that those ferocious carnivores will soon be attracted, it is better to leave quickly!" Jiang Yuntian adjusted the sails according to the wind direction and drove to the northwest!

"Xiao Yi, it's done. I'm worried that the smell of blood will attract other animals. I will drive to the northwest first!" Jiang Yuntian reported to Xiao Yihui.

"Good! Safety first!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian should be after, sending those huge tentacles to Xiao Yi.

He has no conditions to deal with these things on the ship.

"[Giant octopus tentacles] (Grade C) *400kg trading none."

Just eight tentacles are so heavy, one can imagine how big this octopus is!

Xiao Yi agreed to the transaction, and then put the octopus's tentacles into the cold storage room of the small warehouse.

So much meat will definitely not be finished for a while, but Xiao Yi will not sell C-level food to others. When it is cured tomorrow, it can be preserved for a longer period of time!

After sending some basic supplies to Jiang Yuntian again, Xiao Yi continued to lie back on his bed.

"According to previous estimates, Jiang Yuntian should be able to reach me tomorrow morning. It seems impossible now!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Because of this giant octopus, Jiang Yuntian also deviated from his course, plus the delay of the previous tornado, it is estimated that it will be postponed later!

But there is no alternative, there will always be various emergencies at sea!

In a daze, Xiao Yi was awakened again, this time it was Yuan Nong who encountered large marine creatures.

"Xiao Yi, the opponent destroyed the hull too fast!" Yuan Nong said.

"Brother Jiang, quickly trade the anesthesia machine!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian immediately traded the anesthesia machine.

Yuan Nong immediately pushed it onto the deck, setting the black shadow on the right side of the hull as the target.

"The target has been confirmed, Croulong. According to its body size, if it is to be anesthetized for 1 hour, two anesthesia bullets need to be fired! The number of anesthesia bullets has doubled, and the anesthesia time has doubled!"

"What? Dragon?" Xiao Yi was stunned when he heard the name of the marine creature returned by Yuan Nong.

Yuan Nong pondered for a moment, and said, "This Kronosaurus should have been a kind of dinosaur in ancient times. It has long been extinct. I didn't expect this kind of creature to exist here!"

"Even ancient dinosaurs have appeared?" Xiao Yi frowned and said, "What kind of world is this here?"

Dinosaurs in ancient times were behemoths, especially those carnivorous animals, whose attack power was exploding, such as Tyrannosaurus and his like.

Now they only have medium-sized sailboats. When they encounter this kind of thing, they can only go around, but now they can't go around!

The feedback from the anesthesia machine also shows that this Kronosaurus must be a more powerful character than the killer whale.

A killer whale can be anesthetized for two hours with one bullet, and this guy can anesthetize for an hour with two bullets!

"Anesthetize for two hours first, go quickly!" Xiao Yi muttered a little, and said immediately.

Yuan Nong immediately set up four bullets, stretched out the anesthesia/gun, fired, and hit the target accurately. Nakroulong actually struggled, and then stopped in place, slowly sinking.

As it struggled, it directly smashed the stern of Yuan Nong's sailing boat!

"Didi, pay attention: the hull has been attacked and the damage is serious, please repair it in time!"

Yuan Nong immediately told Xiao Yi the resources needed in the reminder of the island stele, and Xiao Yi immediately sent it to him.

Click to repair, the supplies that Xiao Yi just sent disappeared, and Yuan Nong's sailboat was restored intact again.

"Follow the wind and stay away from this position!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"But now it seems to be the southeast wind. According to the wind direction, I am driving completely away from the target!" Yuan Nong hesitated.

"Safety first!" Xiao Yi said again, "If you meet Nakroulong again, you probably won't have a chance to reach the goal."

"Oh, all right!" Yuan Nong replied helplessly, then adjusted his course and drove to the northwest.

There were only ten bullets in the anesthesia machine, and now eight have been shot out, and two are left!

Based on the current situation encountered by Yuan Nong and Jiang Yuntian, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the two players to stick to their islands!

But now Xiao Yi has no other good solutions, he can only take one step and count one step!

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yi got up every two hours to provide resources for the two to repair the hull until six o'clock in the morning.

More than one rooster in the chicken coop is showing its loud singing voice.

Oh oh oh!

Even if Xiao Yi is sleepy, there is no way to go back to sleep!

Although he woke up two or three times in the middle of the night, fortunately, Yuan Nong did not meet Na Keroulong again.

"It's been a long time since I got rid of the Nakronosaurus. I am now changing my heading to the direction of Suwan Island!" Yuan Nong sent a message.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Okay!"

I got up and stretched, then walked out of the apartment to add feed to the chicken coop and cowshed, and then went to take a look at my warehouse.

Although I am constantly trading basic materials for water and marine fish, those basic materials are now almost gone!

Jiang Yuntian and Yuan Nong's sailing was too expensive, and I feel that they may not be able to hold it today!

Xiao Yi sighed, washed his face, praying in his heart, and solemnly said: "System, sign in!"