Chapter 104: Sharks have to be punished too, scared away

So many thoughts flashed in Wei Suo's heart in an instant. Without any hesitation, he immediately took the iron spear and stabbed Xiao Yi.

"Be careful!" An Ran exclaimed.

But Xiao Yi didn't move, standing still and looking at Wei Suo funny.

Wei Suo's gun had pierced in front of him, Xiao Yi raised his hand like lightning, and accurately clamped the tip of the gun with his index and middle fingers.

The iron spear stopped in front of Xiao Yi instantly!

Wei Suo was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately tried his best to push the iron spear in his hand, but he couldn't make the iron spear advance any more!

Not reconciled, he immediately pulled out forcefully, but the iron gun seemed to be completely stuck to Xiao Yi's hand.

At this time, Wei Suo realized how ridiculous his little movements were in front of Xiao Yi.

"It turns out that the clown is myself!"

Wei Suo immediately dropped his iron spear and knelt on the side of the cabin to beg Xiao Yi for mercy!

"I don't know Taishan, your lord has a lot, just let me go!" Wei Suo shouted.

Xiao Yi snorted coldly, shaking his wrist with the iron gun, the iron gun turned around in the air, and he firmly held the handle of the iron gun.

Then one swept through the army, and directly flew Wei Suo out, and even the canopy with the wooden boat was broken in half!

At this time, the shark finally followed. Wei Suo and Hong Xiaoyang, who had fallen into the water, caught the shark's attention, and it quickly swam towards the two!

The two of them swam frantically to the small wooden boat, and while swimming, they kept calling for help!

Xiao Yi ignored the two, but walked to the island monument on the small wooden boat and touched it with his hand.

"Please choose to smash or collect as a subsidiary island monument!" The island monument prompt sounded immediately!

This island monument is from Hong Xiaoyang, she has already moved once, and currently cannot move it again.

The island monument can only be moved once in a year. After one year, Li Yu's island monument can be moved!

"Break!" Xiao Yi punched directly on the island monument!

Wow, the island monument is broken!

Xiao Yi wrapped all the cornerstones and basic materials on the boat in a fishing net, walked to the bow of the boat, exerted a little force with his arms, and threw the package directly onto the yacht!

"There is still food!" An Ran reminded that there was still some unfinished food on the boat.

"No more, we don't need food!" Xiao Yi replied.

Thinking of the hearty breakfast she herself had just eaten, An Ran understood that what Xiao Yi said was true, but she couldn't help but said, "There is no shortage or waste!"

"The food they've touched is dirty!" Xiao Yi said.

"Help!" The shark opened its mouth at Wei Suo.

Just now, Xiao Yi swept across Qianjun directly and swept him to a distance of seven meters away, which was farther away from the small wooden boat than Hong Xiaoyang!


The shark bit Wei Suo's upper body with one bite, and the blood instantly dyed the nearby sea water red.

Wei Suo's lower body was still floating on the sea.

Hong Xiaoyang trembled in fear when she saw this scene.

"Help me, I am willing to do anything!" She swam towards the small wooden boat frantically.

Xiao Yi didn't pay any attention to her at all, and jumped into the boat directly from the small wooden boat!

An Ran's eyes widened and asked incredulously: "When did you get so well?"

"I have always been in good health, don't you know better than anyone?" Xiao Yi raised his brows and said with a smile.

"Rogue!" An Ran punched him, then looked at the crazier shark that was stimulated by blood, frowning and said, "Let's go quickly!"

"Not in a hurry, I must watch them get punished, and cut the grass must get rid of the roots!" Xiao Yi said indifferently at Hong Xiaoyang, who was hurriedly climbing onto the small wooden boat.

An Ran nodded and said no more.

There is such a person who fought hard for her, came all the way to rescue, and arrogantly wanted to punish all those who hurt her.

Looking at Xiao Yi's profile, An Ran felt very happy.

The shark was so big that it swallowed Wei Suo in two or three swallows, and then swam to the nearest small wooden boat!

Hong Xiaoyang has turned pale, and frantically shouted at the yacht: "I was wrong, help me!"


The shark smashed the boat into half in one bite, and the blood irritation made it crazy. It wanted to destroy everything that appeared in front of it!

Without the island monument, Hong Xiaoyang/There is no way to repair the boat in time.

Seeing Xiao Yi still standing on the yacht indifferently, watching all this quietly, indifferent.

Hong Xiaoyang knew that she had no chance, she cursed loudly: "I curse you..."

The shark jumped directly out of the water and dragged her into the water, and the curse in her mouth could not be finished.

"Okay, let's go!" An Ran said, seeing that Hong Xiaoyang was already dead.

Surprisingly, Xiao Yi shook his head again and said, "There is one other who hasn't been punished!"

"Who?" An Ran asked suspiciously. Haven't Wei Suo and Hong Xiaoyang been buried?

Xiao Yi pointed to the shark and said, "I almost ate you just now, so I can't let it go easily!"

"Ah? Do you still want to kill this shark?" An Ran said in shock, covering her mouth.

"At least teach it a lesson!" Xiao Yi replied, "Xiaoyou, aim at this shark and continue to hit me!"

"Yes!" The intelligent assistant on the yacht completely obeyed Xiao Yi's commands, without any hesitation, started the yacht, and began to rush towards the shark quickly.


The yacht hit the side of the shark and directly knocked out the shark that was eating the red smiling sun two or three meters, but the yacht also stopped.

The yacht changed from high speed to still in an instant, and An Ran was almost thrown away. Fortunately, Xiao Yi hugged her in time!

The shark was smashed into pieces, adjusted his figure, and rushed toward the yacht.

"Good come, go on!" Xiao Yi said coldly, holding An Ran with one hand, and holding the other hand tightly on the ship's side!


In this head-on collision, the yacht was directly hit by the shark and backed a few meters. Of course, the shark was not well, and the whole head was sunken in!

"Xiaoyou, is the yacht damaged?" Xiao Yi asked concerned.

"No, please rest assured!" Xiaoyou replied.

"Very good, then continue!" Xiao Yi said.

The yacht rushed towards the shark again, but this time the shark immediately dived underwater!

It's scared!

The yacht drove past the location where the shark was just now and crashed into it!

Through the radar on the yacht, you can see that the shark is diving rapidly, and soon disappeared on the radar chart of the yacht!

"The shark has dived into the bottom of the sea, and we can't pursue it." Xiaoyouhui reported.

"Spare it this time, let's go home and go full speed!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Xiaoyou replied, adjusted the direction of the yacht, and then galloped away.