Chapter 109: Enron’s shock, Xuanwu’s decision


Wangcai cried out to Jiang Yuntian who was about to disembark from the shore.

Xiao Yi had to come out and shouted: "Wangcai, shut up, they will live with us in the future. They are friends, understand?"

"Wang Wang!" Wangcai yelled twice and sat on the spot.

After Jiang Yuntian hugged Junjun and walked off the sailing boat, Xiao Yi touched the island monument again and finally gave a prompt.

"Please choose to crush or collect as a subsidiary!"

"Closed as a subsidiary!"

Xiao Yi immediately selected Jiang Yuntian's island monument as an accessory, and then assigned the island monument to Anran on the interface of the accessory island monument!

In this way, An Ran can control the island monument!

"An Ran, you will get acquainted with our island first. After an hour, you must return to the island monument. We may contact you at any time!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah!" An Ran replied.

Xiao Yi rubbed Wangcai's head and said, "Protect An Ran and Junjun!"


Jiang Yuntian also said: "Junjun, listen to what Auntie said!"

"Well, I will be obedient!" Junjun replied.

"Okay, let's set off right away!" Xiao Yi greeted Jiang Yuntian, and the two got on the yacht together!

When Jiang Yuntian saw the decoration inside the yacht, he was amazed: "Even if it was placed in the previous world, this yacht is estimated to cost more than 100 million to win! It is a miracle that you can drive this!"

"Small tour, start at full speed according to the destination I set!" Xiao Yi confirmed the position on the island stele of the small wooden boat, and then said after setting it up on the yacht.

Jiang Yuntian looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, not knowing who he was talking to.

An electronic voice responded: "Yes, it is expected to arrive in one hour and twenty minutes."

Then he saw the yacht adjust its direction, and then quickly sailed toward the depths of the sea.

"This is still fully automatic driving!" Jiang Yuntian said in shock.

Xiao Yi nodded and replied, "Yes, fortunately I have this yacht, otherwise it would be really troublesome now!"

"Yes, but two of our six islands have been found by others. This is a high probability!" Jiang Yuntian frowned and said.

Xiao Yi nodded and replied, "Yes, I don't know if the rules of this world are making a ghost!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded, lost in thought!

After Xiao Yi and the others disappeared, An Ran had the opportunity to take a closer look at Xiao Yi's island.

"Is this really an island for survivors?" An Ran's eyes widened.

There are mountains, woods, and an obedient dog.

Wangcai yelled at them twice, and then ran to the island.

As Xiao Yi said earlier, An Ran has an hour to travel around the island, so An Ran followed Wangcai to the island.

After passing through a small piece of jungle, An Ran petrified again.

In that simple fence, five large fields are planted with various fruits and vegetables!

Some seem to have matured and have not had time to pick them off.

"Moo!" The bull shouting on the side shifted An Ran's attention to the bullpen on the side.

The four cows in the cowshed cried to An Ran.

Wangcai glanced at the cow, barked twice at An Ran, and then came to the field where the pasture was planted, wagging his tail!

An Ran immediately walked over and saw the green grass in that place, expecting it must be for the cows.

"Wangcai, do you know what mowing Xiao Yi uses?" An Ran asked.

Wangcai immediately ran to the wooden workshop aside and dragged the chainsaw out.

"Using a chainsaw to cut grass?" An Ran felt that Xiao Yi was also talented, and then picked up the chainsaw, cut the grass in half, and sent the grass to the cowshed.

The four cows seemed to be a little hungry and began to eat big mouthfuls.


The sound of rooster crowing came from a distance, and An Ran raised his eyes to see that the goal was a house.

Not a wooden house, but a reinforced concrete house that was often seen in the world before!

Of course, An Ran doesn't know if this house is a reinforced concrete structure, but it is the same as the house in the previous life!

"No wonder Xiao Yi said that our base camp is on the island. With such conditions, it will definitely not develop on the ship!" An Ran said with emotion.

An Ran thought for a while, instead of going in, he harvested some ripe melons and fruits and placed them in the wooden workshop on the side.

Looking at the factory building, An Ran couldn't help thinking: "Even if you rest here, it's better than a normal tent!"

The tent is still a bit small after all.

After busying for a while, An Ran took the curious Junjun back to the boat.

"Auntie, Uncle Xiao Yi is really fun here, can my father and I live here in the future?" Junjun asked.

"Of course, we will all live here!" An Ran replied with a smile.

"Great!" Junjun happily slapped his face and exclaimed.

On Su Wan's island, no matter how Yuan Nong procrastinated, the fish was still cooked.

"Leave the fish on the spot, you back three meters!" Zhou Xuanwu said.

According to Zhou Xuanwu's words, Yuan Nong stepped back three meters, Zhou Xuanwu stepped forward and took the grilled fish in his hand and began to eat.

Xuanwu is too thief this week, while eating, the knife in his hand has not moved Su Wan's neck in the slightest!

While Yuannong was grilling fish, Zhou Xuanwu was constantly paying attention to Su Wan's island monument.

But Xiao Yi and the others had realized that it was wrong, so they didn't send any messages in the group at all.

After quickly solving the grilled fish in his hand, Zhou Xuanwu returned to his small sailing boat again.

"Boss, I am a little worried that their companions should already know that there is a problem here. In order to prevent accidents, I still smashed my island monument, transferred the island monument on the island to the small sailing boat, and took it away together!" Zhou Xuanwu sent a message to Emperor Lintianxia.

"Well, let's do this first!" Di Lin Tianxia replied.

Zhou Xuanwu did not hesitate to smash his own island monument.

Conditions are required to operate the island monument, but it can be broken under any circumstances!

After smashing his own island monument, the island monument that Zhou Xuanwu had just collected as an accessory on Yuan Nong's ship immediately became Zhou Xuanwu's main island monument.

Zhou Xuanwu escorted Su Wan back to the island and frowned when he looked at Su Wan's island monument.

In fact, he could kill Su Wan directly, and then solve Yuan Nong, so that there might not be any accidents.

But Zhou Xuanwu was really reluctant to kill Su Wan, after all, I don't know when the next time he encounters an island.

And it is hard to say whether there are any women on the islands I encountered.

He has had enough of his life alone!

With such a beauty to accompany herself, even if she is killed by this world in the future, she will earn it!

"Tie yourself up again!" Zhou Xuanwu said while looking at Yuan Lao.

Yuan Nong immediately **** his feet and wrapped some fishing nets on his hands as he said.

"I can only do this. If it needs to be tightened a little bit, then you are here!" Yuan Nong said, lifting his hands entangled in fishing nets.