Chapter 124: Quercus saponaria, shampoo, the guess is correct

Di Lin Tianxia waited for a long time, but the other party never gave him any more information, indicating that his transaction had been completed.

"Is there really a B-level tiger meat?" Di Lin Tianxia felt a little fanciful, "Is the gap between me and the first echelon so big?"

"[Wire manufacturing drawing]: After use, start the manufacturing of various wires and cables, no other manufacturing drawings are needed!"

Looking at the manufacturing map in his hand, Xiao Yi was very happy, and immediately used the manufacturing map.

Many types of wire manufacturing drawings immediately appeared on the manufacturing page of the island monument. He couldn't wait to make a basic wire.

"[Wire]*10m: [Copper]*1, [Plastic]*1."

After the manufacturing was successful, Xiao Yi took it out and replaced the wire connected to the electric ray power pit with a regular wire.

"The fluorescent lamp is still short, I hope it can be turned on!" Xiao Yi muttered, then walked back to the apartment.

Seeing Su Wan, Xiao Yi said, "If you encounter such a good thing in the future, you can contact the other party first and hold the other party steady. Don't be caught up first by others like this time. We still need to spend more materials to exchange it back. "

"Yes, I took it down!" Su Wan responded immediately.

"A lot of duvets came out just now. You and An Ran have time to send these to the three houses." Xiao Yi exhorted.

Two small wooden houses and a stone house just built, the bed inside has no quilt yet!

"Good!" Su Wan replied.

Anyue hurriedly walked in from the outside and said: "Xiao Yi, Jiang Yuntian is looking for you, let you go over, at the southeast corner of the island."

"Brother Jiang is looking for me, have you encountered tricky marine creatures again?" Xiao Yi said suspiciously.

But before Wangcai came to inform him, how did he change to Anyue this time?

Anyue shook his head and replied, "It's not a marine creature, it seems to have found something?"

Xiao Yi was a little surprised, and then went out to rush to Jiang Yuntian.

"Look, I found a good thing!" Jiang Yuntian greeted him immediately when he saw Xiao Yi walking over.

"What makes you so excited?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian walked under a tree, jumped up and picked a few things like lentils.

The leaves of this tree have basically fallen off, and all the fruits hanging on the branches are of this kind.

"This is..." Before Xiao Yi asked, the system prompt was displayed.

"Guoja: deciduous tree with well-developed root system, which has high medicinal and economic value."

"Saponins!" Jiang Yuntian answered.

"Is it the kind of soap that can be used to wash your hair?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Which bath in modern life is not shampoo, lotion and shower gel?

I haven't used these daily necessities for more than half a month, and I feel like my hair is about to clump!

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian immediately picked up a lot of the saponins that had formed on the tree, and they stopped until they couldn't take it anymore.

The two walked to the apartment with the saponaria.

Anyue was pulling a material box over, seeing what was in their hands, and asked, "What is this?"

"Good stuff!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, and then walked inside.

Yuan Nong, who was in the field, saw what the two of them were holding, and said in surprise: "This is saponins! Where did it come from?"

"At the seaside in the southeast corner!" Xiao Yi replied, "Brother Jiang found it!"

"Great, there is finally detergent!" Yuan Nong said happily.

"Old Yuan, will you handle this thing?" Xiao Yi asked. An Ran and Su Wan should be unfamiliar with this thing.

If you ask them about the finished product, what kind of shampoo is used for what kind of hair, and so on, it's probably the best way to say it.

Yuan Nong smiled and replied: "I really know this!"

With that, Yuan Nong finished his farm work, and then followed Xiao Yi and the two to bring him to the front of the apartment.

An Ran and the two were preparing dinner, when they saw the three of them come over together and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Get a good thing!" Xiao Yi replied mysteriously.

"Xiao Yi, you need to make a pot again, this needs to be boiled." Yuan Nong said.

This is simple, Xiao Yi ran directly to the island monument, made an iron pot, and took it out.

While washing the saponins, Yuan Nong explained: "After the saponins are mature, they need to be aired for a few days, but these have been aired on the tree for a long time and can be used directly!"

After washing, Yuan Nong found a clean wooden stick and mashed the saponins.

Then put all the mashed saponins into the iron pot that Xiao Yi just took out.

Add an appropriate amount of water and simmer slowly!

"Su Wan, this is up to you, you have to stir constantly, and just cook for two and a half hours!" Yuan Nong said.

"What is this?" Su Wan asked curiously.

"You should have heard of this thing, Saponin." Yuan Nong replied.

An Ran's eyes lit up and said, "Is it the raw material for shampoo and soap?"

Xiao Yi looked at An Ran in surprise: "You still know this?"

"I've bought shampoo with saponins essence before, so I understand!" An Ran replied with a smile, "Are we making shampoo?"

"Well, it can also be used as a shower gel. Now, let's make do with this condition!" Yuan Nong explained.

"Great!" Now An Ran and Su Wan's eyes are about to shine!

As a lady, although she can often wash and bathe after coming to Xiaoyi Island, she feels very uncomfortable to take a bath without these detergents.

Their long hair felt like they were about to form a ball!

Jiang Yuntian just stayed for a while and left, Wangcai came to call him again!

The marine life attack continued until six o'clock in the evening before it ceased.

Jiang Yuntian and Wangcai returned to the apartment together.

"How is it? You are tired enough today?" Xiao Yi said, looking at Jiang Yuntian.

"Fortunately, apart from the electric rays that made me choke, everything else is pretty easy!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "I have calculated it 24 times. Your inference is correct, and Junjun is not counted."

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Sure enough, it would be okay if this is the case."

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "Yes, it was a mess at the beginning, in fact, even if there are two attacks at the same time later, after I solve one, I will find another one, and it will be too late! The speed at which they can destroy the cornerstone is limited!"

"Well, but you still have to pay attention to those marine creatures with special abilities. It's best not to use your dagger to attack. It's too short, and it won't respond to abnormalities!" Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Educated by electric rays once, how dare I use daggers, I used iron spears!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

An Ran brought two glasses of S-grade pure water to Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian from the apartment, and they both took it and drank it.

"When is dinner?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Eat when the saponins are boiled!" An Ran replied.

"Ah? It won't take another hour!" Xiao Yi said helplessly.