Chapter 132: Scavenging the cornerstone, freshwater resources in Hanoi

I reminded him that it wasn't that Xiao Yi had a great heart, but that he needed these people to help him collect supplies.

For an island of my own, even if each material box can open a cornerstone, that day will be more than 30 yuan at most, how can it be quickly collected from everyone's hands!

And those basic materials such as plastic, glass, copper, iron and aluminum are still too few opened in the material box. Only by gathering the strength of everyone, he can develop better!

Anyway, the reminder was also reminded, and the rest is up to them to make their own choices!

Listed for trading!

"[Kiwifruit] (Grade C)*25g transaction [Cornerstone]*1." A total of 200 sets are on the shelves.

"[Hickory] (Grade C)*50g transaction [Cornerstone]*1. A total of 200 sets are on the shelves.

"[Tiger Meat] (Grade B) 20g trade [Cornerstone]*1." A total of 500 sets are on the shelves.

"[Bear Meat] (Grade B) 20g trade [Cornerstone]*1." A total of 1000 sets are on the shelves.

Seeing that Xiao Yi put up so many transactions in an instant, the entire trading floor stagnated for a moment, and then the transaction was quickly completed!

And the public channel became lively again.

"Rely on the ground! From now on, the Yiran product leader will be my idol! All the B-grade tiger meat and bear meat are released!"

"I thought that the boss only killed a tiger, but I didn't expect to overturn a bear!"

"The boss's team is so strong, how long does it take to kill a B-level bear to get it done?"

"I guess the boss must have a high-level weapon in his hands, otherwise it would be difficult to get a B-level beast with manpower alone!"

"What the upstairs said is reasonable, but I don't care what the big guy has in his hands. I am more concerned about how many pieces of meat everyone has robbed?"

"Haha, I robbed three pieces of tiger meat!"

"I grabbed five pieces of bear meat!"

"The one upstairs is also a big man, there are so many cornerstones!"

"Luck this week is better. 20 cornerstones were opened, so I have some stock!"

"Made, people are more dead than people, and they have to be thrown away!"

"Twenty cornerstones were opened in six days! Did you fall asleep by the goddess of luck?"

With so many groups on the shelves, Xiao Yi thinks he should be able to hold on for a while, but only in just ten seconds, they are all sold out!

"These people are crazy!" Xiao Yi said in surprise, and then began to ponder which level of food can still be sold!

Anyue was also beside the island stele at this time. The wild boar was almost tamed by him. He knew that as long as he didn't hang the pigpen, he would eat, drink and sleep in it at will!

"There should also be some C-grade freshwater fish in the Danshui River!" Seeing Xiao Yi meditating, Any Yue reminded.

Xiao Yi patted his forehead and said, "Why do I forget the resources of Danshui Hanoi! Find a fishing net and let's go fishing!"

Anyue and Yuan Nong followed Xiao Yi with fishing nets to the Danshui River behind the house.

"I could see fish leaping out of the water continuously before, but now it looks so quiet!" Xiao Yi said, looking at the calm water.

"The temperature is too low, the fish's life activities are slowed down, and in order to survive the winter, they will sink to the bottom of the water, the temperature of the bottom is higher than the upper layer." Yuan Nong said.

"What if all the water is frozen?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

Yuan Nong smiled and replied: "Then it depends on the good fortune of each fish! It is said that although some fish are frozen, there is still the possibility of survival after thawing!"

Xiao Yi said in surprise: "So amazing!"

But Xiao Yi didn't worry about all the fish here being frozen to death. Even if they were all frozen to death, the rules of the world would be refreshed!

"Well, go to the internet cafe!" Xiao Yi said.

Yuan Nong and Anyue pulled the net inside from a position close to the ocean!

They just pulled five or six meters, and they found it couldn't move!

Too many fish!

I had to collect the net once, but this net was no less than a thousand kilograms!

Xiao Yi quickly screened and separated graded fish from ordinary fish!

In this way, the net was recovered four times, and a total of 423 kg of various C-grade freshwater fishes and 3865 kg of ordinary fish were obtained!

"Start double harvest and get supplies: freshwater fish *7730kg, freshwater fish (Grade C) *846kg."

Now An Ran and Su Wan both started to have headaches. When will we have to deal with so many fish!

Xiao Yi naturally saw their frowning expressions and said with a smile: "Don't worry, ordinary freshwater fish should be processed slowly. First, get rid of the C-grade ones. I want to sell them piece by piece."

"Xiao Yi is right. We can dig another fish pond near the apartment and throw in ordinary freshwater fish. Let's deal with it together when everyone is not busy in winter!" Yuan Nong also said.

"Okay!" An Ran replied, and then Su Wan and Su Wan speed up to deal with C-class freshwater fish.

At this time, many people in the public channel are complaining.

"Is there any C-grade food for the boss, I have to change some!"

"Yeah, I didn't have time to change, why didn't I have any, you beasts, you deserve to be single for a lifetime!"

"I beg the boss to release some more!"

After Xiao Yi saw their demands, he said, "Don't worry, everyone, there are some freshwater fish on my side. I will wait for the deal!"

"Really, how many graded foods does the boss have in his hands?"

"Does the big brother's team have tens of thousands of people?"

"Big brother's world you and I will never be able to guess!"

"Kneel to the boss, if the boss is still hiring, please contact me in time, I'll be on standby at any time!"

"Me too!"

"Me too +10086!"

Seeing Xiao Yi waiting to be put on the shelves, Yuan Nong Anyue and the two also began to help deal with the C-class freshwater fish.

After removing the viscera, scales, and gills of the fish, about 70% of the fish's weight remains.

That is to say, 846kg of C-grade freshwater fish, processed only 592.2kg of meat!

Also sold as a unit of 50g, a total of 11844 groups!

"So much, will the market be overwhelmed?" Xiao Yi muttered, and then hung up the transaction.

"[Freshwater Fish Meat] (Grade C)*50g Trading [Cornerstone]*1."

"Here is coming! Freshwater fish meat is hanging up, grab it quickly!"

For a time, Xiao Yi's island monument kept showing transactions!

Five minutes later, Xiao Yi was shocked to find that all of the more than 10,000 groups of freshwater fish had also been traded!

"It seems that after the merger of our two districts, there are still many survivors!" Xiao Yi muttered.

There are even people asking Xiao Yi to put graded food on the public channel!

"Is there any big brother? I just saw it. I have been fishing for the material box. Can I sell another group? Just one group!"

"Me too, crying to death, everyone's physique has improved, can't leave me alone!"

"You are not alone, there is me!"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly. Now he has all the food below Grade B in his hand, and only tiger meat and bear meat are left for Grade B. These are not for sale.

Class A and above are temporarily not available for external sales.

"Sorry, there is indeed no more on hand, let's go away!" Xiao Yi replied.

"No, boss!" The public channel wailed.

But the active people started the scalper business.