Chapter 149: Lucky Li Yan, Polar Krill

"You know what a shit, in the waters near the South Pole and North Pole in our previous world, were there still few marine life?"

"Yes, so no matter what season, the world can always find active creatures to deal with us!"

"Don't you think about the temperature range of our human activities?"

"Dreaming you, if you consider us, the next week will not be so hot!"

"Hey, guys, I just went out. There are big ice blocks on the sea. If some time passes, I guess we can go directly to the ice and pull the material box back!"

"A real warrior, you dare to go out!"

"Yes, did you catch the material box?"

"I only dared to go out after putting on three down jackets. There was no way to fish. Today, all three material boxes are far away from me!"

Just when everyone was arguing on the public channel, Li Yan had already started fishing for the material box on the side of the island.

With the coveralls provided by Xiao Yi, Li Yan could not feel cold at all, and the coveralls would not affect his physical flexibility.

It is completely the same as the previous fishing material box.

"Fortunately, those big ice cubes did not block these three material boxes!" Li Yan observed and said excitedly.

It seems that after contacting Enron and the others, her luck has improved, and these three material boxes have been caught very smoothly.

Open them all, and Li Yan discovered that five cornerstones, a manufacturing map, some white worm eggs, and the others are basic materials, without water and food!

Looking at the white worm eggs, Li Yan's eyes widened. This was the first time that she had taken out a live animal.

After careful observation, Li Yan muttered in shock: "Is this a silkworm egg?"

Then she immediately took the worm eggs back to the tent, because there was no system prompt from Xiao Yi, she could only get it on the island monument to determine what it was.

If they were really silkworm eggs, they would all die soon in such cold weather.

Because silkworm eggs want to be stored until the next year, they can only be stored in refrigeration. Freezing will cause them to freeze to death.

When he came to the island stele gun, Li Yan directly traded all the things in his hand to Xiao Yi.

"[Cornerstone]*5, [Silkworm eggs] (S grade)*10, [Jamhouse manufacturing map] (S grade)*1, [Copper]*3, trading."

Looking at the things displayed on the island stele, Li Yan's eyes lit up. She hadn't sold any items with a level before.

But this time, there were still two S-level items!

"Is it true that the time has come?" Li Yan muttered.

Xiao Yi was putting water and food on the trading floor when suddenly his private channel rang.

After switching to the private channel, Xiao Yi saw Li Yan's deal and asked in surprise: "Are you the material you just caught?"

"Yes, basically all the things that came out of the material box before have been consumed!" Li Yan replied.

The basic materials that she had prescribed before were all used by her to change water and food.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Li Yan continued: "The silkworm eggs must be preserved well and kept under refrigeration. I currently have no conditions to raise silkworms. I can only put them on your side first. With silkworm eggs, we can make silk!"

"Understood, I will save it, and wait for you to come and deal with it!" Xiao Yi said.

After accepting the transaction, Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh, how could Li Yan's luck be so good, he even ordered two S-level items in one day!

Handing the silkworm eggs to An Ran for refrigeration, Xiao Yi looked at the silkworm chamber manufacturing diagram.

"[Jamsil manufacturing map] (S grade): bricks*50, wood*20, copper*10, iron*10, plastic*15, glass*5."

With enough resources, Xiao Yi directly manufactured it and placed it in the manufacturing space of the island stele without taking it out.

"Wow!" Wangcai ran in from outside.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi looked at Wangcai suspiciously. Wangcai yelled twice again and ran out.

Xiao Yi picked up the Tang Dao on the side and followed.

It should be Jiang Yuntian that encountered a tricky thing!

Soon, Xiao Yi followed Wangcai to Jiang Yuntian. Jiang Yuntian was constantly stirring the sea with the iron spear in his hand.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Yi asked.

"There are too many marine creatures attacking the cornerstone this time, and the individuals are small. Just like ants, it is difficult to deal with. The dagger can only kill a few at a time, but there are tens of thousands here!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi glanced intently, and next to this cornerstone were densely packed shrimps with transparent bodies!

"Polar Krill (Grade A): It has a large population, has bioluminescent organs, can emit a weak yellow-green light, is extremely rich in protein, and has high nutritional value!"

Although these krills are Class A creatures, their individuals are not large and their attack power is not strong. The biggest problem is that they are too numerous!

The cornerstones are densely packed, all of them!

Xiao Yi said, "Unexpectedly, another high-end ingredient will be brought in. I hurried to the island monument and synthesized the old fishing net into a fishing net with a smaller aperture. Fishing with the fishing net is faster!"

The fishing net used to catch the material box before has a relatively large aperture. If it is used to catch this krill, it is estimated that all of it will leak out of the mesh!

Jiang Yuntian nodded and rushed directly to a nearby medium-sized sailing boat. On the manufacturing page, he synthesized the two ordinary fishing nets into a fishing net with a diameter of 3 cm, and then took it out.

The polar krill are basically about 6 cm in length.

"Come!" Jiang Yuntian ran over.

The two worked together to net all the krill near the cornerstone.

Seeing the actions of the two men, Wangcai ran back to the kitchen by himself, found a big tub and dragged it over.

Xiao Yi and the others poured the fished krill into the wooden basin, and the krill kept jumping around in the basin.

After fishing back and forth four times, all the krill nearby was fished out, almost filling the entire tub!

"I'm afraid it has to be 50kg!" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

"Materials obtained: Polar Krill (Grade A) *53.6kg."

"A total of 53.6kg, they are all A-grade ingredients, good stuff!" Xiao Yi said while looking at the system prompt.

"Ah? This little thing turned out to be A grade, no wonder they are so agile in the sea!" Jing Yuntian said.

"I moved them back first!" Xiao Yi easily moved the 50 kilograms of krill and walked back.

When he came to the kitchen, Xiao Yi said: "These krills are eaten and processed as much as possible, and the others are raised first and kept outside. The kitchen is too hot and they may not be used to it!"

Su Wan heard Xiao Yi's words and said with a smile: "We are afraid of the cold outside. They are afraid of heat in the house. Nature is really amazing."

Xiao Yi slightly nodded and replied: "Yes, I just don't know if this is the power of nature or the rules of the world are messing around behind!"