Chapter 152: The sea is frozen, three manufacturing pictures

"What's the situation?" Everyone was shocked, and put down the dishes and chopsticks one after another!

Xiao Yi motioned everyone to continue eating, and then said: "This is the alert tone of the fully automatic fishing net. I'll go out and have a look!"

"Let me go out and have a look!" Anyue got up and said, he has always been in charge of fishing the material box!

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "I'm still familiar with that machine. You can eat it first, and then go there after you finish it!"

Xiao Yi put on the coverall and walked out. Anyue quickly finished the rice in the bowl, and then put on the coverall and rushed out.

When Xiao Yi arrived at the position of the fully automatic fishing net, he was surprised to find that the sea had been frozen!

At least the surface layer is all ice, how thick this ice layer is, it needs to be cut to determine!

The fully automatic fishing net has caught a material box, but the material box is frozen on the surface of the sea.

When retracting the fishing net, the machine could not retract the net, so the alarm sounded.

"Is this sea really frozen?" Anyue soon followed, looking at the sea in front of him in shock, and asked.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "This is a little different from the previous world. In the previous world, it was more than 20 degrees below zero. It was impossible to freeze the sea!"

The alarm of the automatic fishing net is eliminated, and the fishing net is taken back. Since the sea surface is frozen, the automatic fishing net is useless.

All the material boxes still on the sea are frozen, and there is no way to pull them back through fishing nets.

Xiao Yi walked to the beach and kicked hard with one foot towards the ice.



A crack appeared on the ice, but it didn't break completely!

Xiao Yi's kick is so powerful now that he didn't even kick the ice surface.

Take out his Tang Knife and probe into the crack.

"At least one meter thick ice layer!" Xiao Yi guessed and said.

"It's so thick? Wouldn't we be able to walk directly over the ice and get the material box over?" Anyue said.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "It should be possible, let's try it!"

Xiao Yi cautiously walked to the nearest material box, about 30 meters away from the shore, which is the one that the fully automatic fishing net just arrived!

The two of Xiao Yi quickly approached the material box, and nothing unusual happened!

"Is it that simple?" Xiao Yi felt a little weird!

Anyue said with a smile: "It's not easy for us to move around freely, and it's not easy to bring it back to the island. We have to chip away the ice and not destroy too much, otherwise the ice will be broken. , We fell into the sea!"

Xiao Yi nodded, and pushed the material box with his hands, only to find that he couldn't move it at all!

Most of the supply boxes are in the ice!

"It seems that a chainsaw is still needed!" Xiao Yi said.

There is no way to control the force when using other tools to cut ice. If this piece of ice breaks, wouldn't it be troublesome!

Anyue nodded, and he immediately went back to the warehouse and took the chainsaw from the multifunctional toolbox.

Xiao Yi took the chainsaw and cut it around the material box.

As the ice chips flew across, Xiao Yi soon cut open all around the material box.

After cutting it all around, the material box could actually shake, indicating that the seawater at the bottom of the material box did not freeze.

Xiao Yi grabbed the two corners of the material box and lifted the material box out of the ice.

"Fortunately, there is no ice at the bottom, as long as you cut the surrounding area, you can lift it out!" Xiao Yi said.

Anyue nodded, and then suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

The original location of the material box became a gap in the ice, and a sea lion jumped out of the water, pulling its tail towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi easily flashed to one side, then kicked it out with one kick, and landed on the ice and slid far away.

This foot seemed to scare the sea lion. After it fell on the ice, it quickly crawled to the nearest ice gap and dived into the bottom of the sea!

"Huh? How could there be a gap in the ice layer?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"It should be convenient for marine creatures to escape!" Anyue replied helplessly, "Even if the ocean freezes, this world still leaves a way for marine creatures! Why can't we leave more for us humans?"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and said: "At present, it seems that there are three difficulties in collecting material boxes on the ice in winter. The first one is cold weather. Whether it can get out is a problem, and the second is how to pick up the ice. The box, there is no handy tool. It is estimated that it will take a long time to get it done. The third one is the attack of marine creatures after the box is taken out!"

Anyue nodded.

Because he was not sure about the level of the marine creatures under the material box, Xiao Yi was going to collect the material box on the ice by himself, with Anyue's assistance.

After several attempts, Xiao Yi summed up a very simple and convenient method.

After cutting open the surroundings of the material box, cut a **** in the direction of the material box close to the island. They don't need to lift it out forcefully. They just tie the rope directly and pull it out from the ice **** on that slope.

This not only saves effort, but also greatly increases safety.

The reason was that a rope was used to pull the material box. When the material box was pulled out, Xiao Yi and the others were already four or five meters away from the original location of the material box.

At such a long distance, even if marine creatures jump out from under the material box, they still have enough time to react!

Of course, this method is only for people who have chainsaws. Other people want to use this method, which is simply unrealistic!

Breaking through the ice with an axe or an iron gun takes time and effort. If you are not careful, it will destroy all the nearby ice. After all, there are some vents or escape holes for marine life around.

And it is very difficult to cut a **** with an axe or an iron gun!

After spending about two hours, Xiao Yi finally pulled all the nearby material boxes out of the ice.

The two worked together to pull these boxes of supplies back to the warehouse.

After returning to the warehouse, Anyue left. He never participated in opening the material box.

Xiao Yi directly opened all the 38 material boxes in front of him!

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*3, copper*2,..."

"Obtained materials: stone house manufacturing drawing*1, iron*4,..."

"Obtained materials: Xuanyuan sword manufacturing map (S grade), plastic*4,..."

"Obtained materials: ice wedge manufacturing diagram*1, glass*2,..."


38 material boxes are out of 45 cornerstones!

"It seems that the probability of Cornerstone's opening has increased again!" Xiao Yi muttered.

There was no water or food, but three manufacturing maps appeared.

The stone house manufacturing drawings are just right for An Ran's mother to use.

The Xuanyuanjian manufacturing plan was a surprise to Xiao Yi.

He has been jealous of Jiang Yuntian's Grade B dagger for a long time!