Chapter 166: Minus sixty, marine creatures attack abnormally

Wangcai naturally followed, but if he walked normally, he couldn't see that his dog's leg was broken!

Nana's advice to Jiang Yuntian and Wangcai is the same, not to exercise vigorously, and she did not say that she can't exercise!

Xiao Yi rubbed Wangcai's dog's head and said, "You are here to stare at Dabai to work, understand, even if there is a problem, don't rush to tell me! Just go slowly!"

"Wow!" Wangcai answered.

When Xiao Yi returned to the other hospital, he saw that Jiang Yuntian was also up.

"Why don't you take more breaks?" Xiao Yi asked.

Jiang Yuntian replied: "I am used to getting up early and can't sleep. I feel that I am in a good state, so I get up and move. Anyway, I don't do strenuous exercise!"

"Well, you should be careful and rest at ease for two or three days. This is the doctor's order." Xiao Yi said.

"Understand, I will never try my best!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi nodded, then walked back to his island monument and refilled the water and food on the trading floor.

I glanced at the slightly deserted public channel.

"Huh, why are there so few people today? Where did all the brothers go before?" Woodpecker, one of the chatters, said in the public channel.

"Yeah, why is it so quiet today?"

"Hey, everyone feels the temperature today, and you should know why."

Xiao Yi glanced at the system prompt: "Outside temperature: minus 60.6 degrees Celsius."

"So cold?" Xiao Yi looked at the number in surprise.

Xiao Yi and the others went out to wear coveralls, and when they returned to the room, they had air conditioning, so they didn't feel anything at all.

Only after seeing the specific temperature did Xiao Yi realize that the temperature was already so low.

"Brothers hold on!" The man with the ID Woodpecker said again.

"It's so cold, I guess no one can hold on."

"Hey, the most painful thing right now is that all the urine freezes, and it can only be near the fire, a little farther away, JJ can freeze into popsicles!"

"Strawberry popsicles?"

"Mad, still driving in such a cold day? To a girl, would you dare to undress?"

"I just hope that no polar krill will come and attack me, I will be satisfied!"

"Me too, I still have a few cornerstones in my hand, which should last two days."

After several recent attacks by marine creatures, they have discovered that only polar krill will continue to destroy the next one after destroying one cornerstone.

Other marine creatures will only destroy a cornerstone, and then they will leave.

Almost all survivors have given up outdoor activities.

Xiao Yi and others naturally have no influence, and continue to work and activities outdoors.

"Breakfast is ready!" An Ran walked into the living room and shouted into Xiao Yi's bedroom.

Xiao Yiying said: "Okay, I'll go over immediately."

In addition to asking Xiao Yi to eat, An Ran also gave Li Yan breakfast.

After receiving breakfast, Li Yan asked in a low voice: "How is Jiang Yuntian and him?"

An Ran smiled and replied: "He is all right now!"

"Huh? Didn't it say that it was very serious yesterday?" Li Yan was full of doubts.

"Xiao Yi happened to get a nano-medical machine in the middle of the night to help Jiang Yuntian perform the operation in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." An Ran replied, "Nana said, if there is no operation 10 minutes later, it may not be saved. came back."

"What a coincidence?" Li Yan was even more surprised, but instantly she asked in confusion, "Wait, who is Nana?"

"Nana is the nano medical machine, the name Xiao Yi gave her." An Ran replied with a smile.

"The name is really casual." Li Yan said with a speechless expression.

Xiao Yi walked out of the bedroom and just saw An Ran and Li Yan were on a video call, so he said, "Auntie, the outside temperature has dropped to minus 60 degrees. Physical clothing, if there is not much wood in the fireplace, ask An Ran in time."

"Okay, I took it down!" Li Yan replied.

"Mom, let's have breakfast, let's have breakfast too!" An Ran greeted him and followed Xiao Yi out.

When they came to the kitchen, Yuan Nong and the others were all present. Wangcai was chewing on a bone that Su Wan had thrown at it.

"Brother Jiang, how do you feel?" Xiao Yi asked when he saw Jiang Yuntian also sitting at the dinner table.

"Very good, I feel that I can move in the afternoon!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Indeed, it seems that Jiang Yuntian's complexion does not seem to be in the state of recovering from a major injury. Perhaps it is because he is in good physical condition and has drunk enough S-grade purified water in the past two days!

"Follow Nana's requirements. Unless you get Nana's permission, vigorous exercise is forbidden! Let alone fighting with marine creatures!" Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing this, Anyue said: "Speaking of marine life attacks, I was next to the medium-sized sailing boat this morning, but I have never seen Dabai and Wangcai disembark."

Xiao Yi was stunned, then turned his head and asked, "Wangcai, are there no marine creatures attacking us in the morning?"

"Wow!" Wangcai replied.

Xiao Yi was even more surprised: "Not really?"

Yuan Nong speculated: "Will it be because the weather is too cold and the world also knows that we can't get out, so it suspends the attacks of marine creatures?"

"It's also possible!" Xiao Yi replied, "Now the temperature has reached minus 64 degrees, and human beings really can't get out! Unless they have the same overalls as us!"

"How could other people have such abnormal equipment!" Su Wan shook her head and said.

"So there is still a bit of humanity left in the rules of this world?" Anyue said.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "Everyone, let's eat. After dinner, I will go to the island monument to see if everyone is in this situation!"

"Yeah!" everyone replied, and then began to eat.

"Where is Da Bai?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Still at the door!" An Ran replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, took a grilled fish and walked out.

When the white bear saw Xiao Yi stood up immediately, Xiao Yi passed the grilled fish in his hand.

The white bear smelled it and his eyes lit up. It had never eaten cooked food with salt. This was the first time!

It quickly solved the grilled fish, and after eating, the tongue continued to lick the aftertaste remaining on the palm.

"I can give you this kind of cooked food from now on!" Xiao Yi said.

The white bear nodded immediately.

"Come in and sit down in the hall." Xiao Yi said as he walked back to the kitchen.

The white bear immediately walked in and sat down in the hall.

After finishing breakfast, Baixiong and Wangcai returned to the medium-sized sailing boat again.

Anyue is still going to deal with the material box frozen on the sea.

Xiao Yi went back to the island monument and switched to the public channel to see if everyone was not attacked by marine creatures.