Chapter 169: We are all supporters, we all fired weapons

"Upstairs, are you the supporter of Yiranpin? How can there be nine cornerstones out of the three material boxes, and you can lie a little bit more, okay?"

"Yes, he is the trustee, and I am also the trustee. I rented a down jacket to go to the ice and opened three material boxes and opened six cornerstones. Don't believe me!"

The first person who was not afraid of the cold also bubbled up: "I opened seven cornerstones out of my three material boxes."

"He is also a trust, don't believe it!"

"Yes, yes, we are all trusts, you must not go out, you will be frozen to death when you go out, and don't rent down jackets, waste the foundation stone!"

The group of people who questioned Xiao Yi murmured in their hearts when they saw them all saying this.

"Could it be true that what Yiranpin said is true?"

"But how is it possible? Will the probability of Cornerstone be so high?"

"Why don't you try?"

Once this idea appears, it will spread uncontrollably, and it will instantly fill the entire mind!

But when they came to the trading floor, they found that the people who rented down jackets were already ranked after a thousand.

"Are these people crazy? There are still so many people coming for such an expensive lease!" They couldn't help but complain.

Although spit on the lips, what should be tried is to try!

Join the rental team, take the number and line up!

Xiao Yi saw people constantly thanking him on the public channel, and he was even more sure of the reasoning in his heart.

The probability that the cornerstone of these two days will be issued has been improved by this world rule!

"I don't know if the marine creature's attack has also been cancelled?" Xiao Yi muttered.

If it was really cancelled, then Xiao Yi would not be able to understand the logic of this world.

Previously, the probability of opening the cornerstone was increased because something would destroy the cornerstone.

Now that there is no damage, it has increased the probability of the cornerstone being released. So why is this preparation?

What new test is this world ready to engage in?

There is no clue at all now!

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and then looked at the Fang Tian painting picture of the halberd that he had just opened.

"[Fangtian painted halberd manufacturing drawing]: copper*1, wood*1."

Xiao Yi switched to the construction page of the island monument, and then built the Fangtian painting halberd.

"In the legend, shouldn't this be the artifact in Lu Bu's hand?" Xiao Yi took the Fang Tian painted halberd from the building space of the island monument.

"Fangtian painted halberd: Ancient weapons, because of the painted decoration on the halberd pole, also called the painted square halberd. It is usually a kind of ceremonial object and is rarely used in actual combat, but it is not that it cannot be used in actual combat. User requirements are higher!"

Seeing the system's prompt message, Xiao Yi understood: "This Fangtian painting halberd is not exclusive to Lu Bu. It may be because he uses it best and is the most famous, so the two always appear together."

Looking at the Fangtian painting halberd that was nearly two meters away, Xiao Yi weighed it and muttered, "It's still a bit light!"

Then put it aside and continue to switch to the public channel.

"There is no threat of marine life, it feels so good, but it is too cold, it is like a ball, and it is inconvenient to get resources!"

"Yeah, it is really too cold this day, everyone should go back as soon as possible after taking the supplies, otherwise there is still a possibility of frostbite!"

"There is frostbite here, but there is no frostbite cream for everyone to apply!"

"Speaking of frostbite, didn't the Yiran product boss said yesterday that the rib was broken and injured? How is it now?"

"I don't know, but looking at the big brother's down jacket rental business again today, there should be no problem!"

"Yes, there is no mention of finding a doctor and medicine today? Has it been handled?"

"Or you have already found a doctor!"

"@easy ranpin, big man, how was your injury before?"

Someone asked Xiao Yi on the public channel.

Xiao Yi directly replied: "Thank you for your concern, it has been dealt with. Once again, have your islands been attacked by marine life so far today?"

When Di Lin Tianxia saw that Xiao Yi actually responded to the questions in the public channel, he became even more jealous.

"Even a doctor can be found, how could this guy's luck be so good!" Di Lin Tianxia said angrily.

But after a little thought, he found something wrong again!

"Even if you find a doctor, where can you find so many equipment and tools? Could it be that you have found healing medicine?"

Because doctors want to treat the wounded, they need a lot of professional equipment, and they definitely can't handle them empty-handed.

Therefore, Emperor Lin Tianxia would consider whether he had prescribed healing medicine from the material box.

Only the healing medicine under the rules of this world does not require so many restrictions.

It's like all kinds of buildings and tools can be made as long as there are resources and manufacturing plans!

"Yes, it must have been prescribed healing medicine, why is it not mine for such good luck!" Di Lin Tianxia's eyes were a little red!

Everyone on the public channel is still discussing Xiao Yi's treatment of his injuries.

"The big guy is the big guy, and I really got it done. I really want to know how the big guy handled it!"

"Yes, it's not easy to deal with five rib fractures!"

"Is there a professional doctor on Gangster Island? I really envy Gangster!"

"I suspect that he is not a professional doctor at all, because doctors need too much to treat the wounded, and they simply can't get it now!"

"How did that boss handle it? I'm so curious!"

"I guess the medicine should be prescribed. Anyway, the rules of the world are like this. If there are not so many restrictions, the medicine will be better!"

In the public channel, there is really the same idea as Emperor Lintianxia.

Everyone agreed with this sentence.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and no matter how good a doctor does not have equipment, tools, instruments and medicines, it is difficult to deal with the injured and sick!

"It should be like this, the Yiran product boss is simply the chosen one! This thing can be opened!"

Xiao Yi naturally saw everyone's speculation, smiled, let them guess!

Anyway, they would never guess that they would have an SSS-level medical machine.

"Yes, I hope I can prescribe a life-saving medicine too!"

"I think too, but today I opened three material boxes with only six cornerstones, and a copper axe manufacturing diagram. The others are all basic materials!"

"Yes, I am also the cornerstone and add a weapon manufacturing map!"

"Huh? Have you all drawn up weapons manufacturing plans?"

"Yes, mine is a bow and arrow!"

"Mine is a bronze sword!"

"Mine is a spear!"

"What's the situation? Why did everyone fire their weapons? There is always an ominous premonition!"

Xiao Yi looked at the Fang Tian painted halberd standing on the side, and frowned!

Before the second week, survivors generally opened down jackets, indicating that the temperature will drop.

Now that everyone has fired weapons, does it mean that there will be more battles in the future?