Chapter 181: Pick up Li Yan’s new method and seed the seeds

Xiao Yi and the others discussed before that if they drive a yacht to pick up Li Yan, they can't walk back and forth with full power. This is indeed a big problem!

Xiao Yi frowned and began to ponder. Suddenly, his inspiration flashed, and he secretly said, "His thinking is still too solid!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi went out, he had to communicate his thoughts with Anyue first.

Walking along the beach, I saw Anyue in a short while.

He is assisting with fully automated fishing nets to catch the material box.

The ice in the sea is okay. When the animal resource box is pulled, the material box will squeeze the ice aside.

But when it came to the shore, those ice cubes couldn't squeeze the island away. At this time, Anyue needed to open up the ice cubes.

"Uncle An." Xiao Yi greeted when he came to Anyue.

Anyue responded and asked back, "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi said, "The ice on the sea has also melted away. Regarding picking up the aunt, I have a plan and I need to communicate with you!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Anyue asked anxiously, "How to pick it up?"

Anyue knows that the cruising range of the yacht is insufficient, and there is no good solution for the last two thousand kilometers!

"We won't pick it up!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let Auntie drive the yacht back by herself!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Anyue was stunned, and then overjoyed in an instant, and said: "Good idea, we just want to pick it up, she can drive back by herself!"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "So you don't have to worry about insufficient power on the yacht!"

"Yes! I agree, just do it this way, did you tell Li Yan about this?" Anyue asked.

Xiao Yi replied: "Not yet, I'll talk to auntie later!"

"Okay, Xiao Yi, thank you very much!" Anyue said sincerely, their family was saved by Xiao Yi, and this kindness is estimated to be endless!

"Uncle An, you are too polite!" Xiao Yi waved his hand and turned to leave.

In front of the Taoist Island monument, Xiao Yi sent a message to Li Yan.

"Auntie, this sea has already begun to melt. When there are not so many ice on the sea, I want you to drive the yacht back by yourself! If we pick you up, the yacht's endurance is not enough!"

But Li Yan did not respond to him in time, presumably not in front of the island monument.

Xiao Yi switched to the public channel.

"I haven't paid attention to my island these days, so many trees and rocks have been refreshed!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to stop refreshing in such a cold day!"

"Everyone, don't cut down anymore. According to the Yiran product boss, this can evolve into a forest!"

"Forests? You think too much! Your islands are only a little bigger in total. Do you still want forests?"

"My island is really small, it's just sixty-five flats! Can't it be a dream?"

"Sixty-five draws! Boss! I was wrong. Is it the only one who makes ten draws?"

"I haven't reached ten square meters!"

"Oh, two pieces have been destroyed this winter, and I only have six square meters left!"

"I really envy the big guy who has a 65-square-meter island!"

"Don't be envious, hurry up and catch the material box, you can also own such a big island!"

"Hey, today the material box is too far away from the island, and it's out of reach!"

Before the sea was frozen, they could go to the ice and open the material box directly without being restricted by this distance.

But now that the ice has melted, they can only rely on the fishing radius of their fishing nets to eat!

As long as they exceed the fishing radius, they can only watch!

At this time, Li Yan replied to Xiao Yi: "But I can't drive a yacht!"

"Don't worry, this world rule simplifies the navigation of boats. Yuan Nong used to drive a sailing boat to find Suwan's island. What's more, my yacht is fully intelligent and automated. You don't need to be able to drive, as long as you give instructions. That's it!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Ah? Is it that simple?" Li Yan couldn't believe it.

"Well, wait another day, I believe that the sea can sail the boat, then I will trade the yacht to you!" Xiao Yi said.

Li Yan nodded and replied: "No problem!"

Next, Xiao Yi talked to Li Yan about how to operate when leaving his island.

Of course, it is mainly to smash the island monument and recover the cornerstone!

"Probably these are the points that need attention. If there are other problems at that time, let's talk about it!" Xiao Yi said at last.

"Okay!" Li Yan replied.

After finishing the chat, Xiao Yi went out and assisted Yuan Nong to deal with the big shed.

It took most of a day to rebuild the greenhouse, and then planted the seeds.

This time I mainly plant some crops that can be used as food for livestock and poultry, such as potatoes and rice!

After planting these things, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiao Yi glanced at the temperature, and it was still around minus 19 degrees.

"It seems to be stable!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Returning to the farmhouse with Yuan Nong, after having settled for lunch, Xiao Yi came to the island monument and found a lone way to survive, and asked: "Is there anything happening in the enchantment?"

"No, I've been watching it!" Gudao survived.

"Okay, hard work!" Xiao Yi replied, and then traded a piece of C-grade grilled fish at noon!

Surviving alone could not help saying: "Thank you, brother, thank you!"

He felt that after eating C-level food twice, his body became much stronger, at least not as weak as before!

"You are welcome, this is what you deserve!" Xiao Yi replied.

Surviving alone thought for a while and initiated a transaction.

"[Cornerstone]*2 No transaction."

"Big brother, this is what I mean, you must accept it!" said Lonely Survival.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then said with a smile: "Yes, I accept it!"

Seeing that Xiao Yi had accepted it, he was very happy to survive alone.

"Xiao Yi, a total of 34 material boxes were caught today, and they are all placed in the warehouse!" Anyue walked to the living room and said to Xiao Yi in the bedroom, then poured a cup of warm water and poured it down.

"Okay!" Xiao Yi replied, and then walked to the warehouse.

When he arrived at the warehouse, Xiao Yi opened all the material boxes.

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*3, copper*4,..."

"Obtained materials: long cowpea seeds*5, plastic*4,..."

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*2, cabbage seeds*5,..."


A total of 41 foundation stones were drawn out of 34 material boxes, two vegetable seeds, and the others are some basic materials.

Xiao Yi looked at the seeds of the two vegetables and was a little surprised: "How come two kinds of vegetable seeds are produced in one day?"

Taking the two seeds and walking to the yard, they saw Yuan Nong and gave them directly to him.

"Long cowpea and cabbage are just opened today. See when you can plant some!" Xiao Yi said.

Yuan Nong's eyes lit up: "Vegetable seeds are coming out again, great!"

As a farming expert, there is nothing that excites him more than seeds!

Before returning to the island monument, Xiao Yi found that his private channel had exploded!