Chapter 19:

Mike p.o.v

After alot of thinking about the situation, I decided to look for Suzy. I saw her talking to Saleena.I waited for a while until I saw them going their separate ways.

I followed suzy from behind until she reached her locker as she was taking her books out I walked up to her to talk to her but,some guy beat me to it.

He had an envelope in his hand and gave it to her. I couldn't see what was inside it.

What shocked me the most was when she took out some money to pay him. I wondered what could it be.

Once he left,I slammed her body behind her locker as she was about to lock it.

"Ouch!what the hell?"she asked as she hold her hand behind her head.

"Tell me the truth Suzy." I said with my hands on the side of the lockers.

"What do you mean? What truth?"she asked me as if she had no idea of what I was talking about."

"The truth of what happened last night, and you better not lie to me." I said pointing at her face.