Chapter 31:His Confession

Saira p.o.v

I couldn't believe my ears when Saleena told us that she was engaged to Mike, I was so pissed of at her,how was she excited to be with a guy whose nothing but a jerk and a player.

After arguing and disagreeing with her choice of marrying Mike. I didn't like the idea but she was my best friend and I still accepted it only for her sake.

I don't know what is wrong with me,but I couldn't get any sleep.

I spent the whole night thinking, my heart was so disturbed and my mind wasn't at peace either. Could it be because I was worried about my mum, my best friend's future or was it about my crush for Yasar.

"Woaw,No No it can't be,I am just tired and I should try to sleep." I told myself.

The following day, I woke up and went to the bathroom and when I came back,Suzy was nowhere to be found her bed was empty and there was definitely no noise coming from down stairs.

So I prepared for school and went to have breakfast.