Chapter 59:Fake Love

Saira p.o.v

I was beyond shock when I saw her body laying on that bed. I couldn't move a muscle, I kept staring at her as if she was dead. Both doctors and nurses were trying to hard to save her as she had lost a lot of blood.

Her blonde hair was soaked with blood. She was wearing a short red dress but looked more red with her own blood. The nurses pushed me to the changing room so I could wear my surgeon uniform.

My phone rang and it was a call from Mrs Ali. I answered it as I remember that I didn't inform her about leaving without telling her.

"Asalamu Aleikum dear where did you go all of a sudden, you didn't get to say goodbye to me" She Said as I put a mask around my nose and mouth.

"Am So sorry Mrs Ali, an emergency came up and I totally forgot to tell you am about to go to the emergency room and I promise to call you as soo as am done " I said as I walk towards the other room.