The Gates of the Labyrinth

The imposing sight of the massive gray stone wall was visible from afar on the small ship where the young Neferet was traveling, the sea breeze making her black hair flutter gently as she caressed her fingers slowly as she tried to calm down.

The young woman's mother was standing behind her, delicately arranging small details of her dress while she said, "Remember, dear, a smile conquers more than a sword. Passing is useless if you end up dead. Your safety comes first."

Swallowing saliva, the girl stretched her back, feeling how her mother slowly arranged a thin breastplate with golden chains that covered her chest and then put a thick white fabric shirt on her somewhat loose.

Adjusting it at her waist where she started in plain dark brown pants.

The girl was standing staring at the huge wall. While her mother's voice seemed to hear small like distant murmurs until the woman raised her voice, saying, "Child! Are you listening to me?" The dark-skinned woman dressed in a pristine white dress.

She looked at the young woman before she drew a smile and then continued speaking, "Dear, you don't have to do this. Your future is decided."

Straightening the shirt gently while pulling a small dark blue vest over the shirt, she said, "Mother, being summoned is a great honor. I did not travel halfway around the world to give up when I saw the test face to face."

The woman softly smiled while standing in front of her daughter. She helped her tie up her hair with long gold baubles and then put on the dark blue hood of her vest.

As she delicately placed golden hooks on the sides of her hood, she placed a thin white veil on it as she said, "Honor is the privilege of those who live to tell their story."

The woman stared into her daughter's yellow eyes.

Neferet looking at her mother lowered her gaze and gently held her hands.

The small moment was interrupted by the sight of a large ship slowly approaching theirs, the dark wood adorned with large silver trim and large navy-blue sails that fluttered gently in the breeze.

This great ship dropped a plank of wood onto the deck of the women's ship. At the same time, a group of soldiers watched them from the deck of the battleship.

Neferet hugged her mother one last time before taking a dark brown sack and slinging it over her shoulder.

Starting to get on the ship, the young woman walked slowly, listening to her mother's farewell and the servants who said goodbye or gently prayed as she passed.

Upon reaching the deck of the alliance ship that was receiving her, she could see a group of soldiers walking slowly across it.

Carrying boxes and adjusting the sails. In the center of the deck, a group of young people wearing the same uniform as her.

Neferet slowly walked until she was surrounded by her companions, some of whom looked at her strangely.

Noticing that the other girls were not wearing a veil like hers, she became a little nervous, remembering her mother's words.

"The veil serves to avoid drawing attention, dear."

Feeling some embarrassment, she began to study her companions with her eyes until her eyes returned to the enormous structure, great gray stone walls that completely covered an island.

On the walls, a small tower could be faintly seen. Neferet walked slowly, looking up at the small tower until a man's gruff voice rose above the sound of the waves saying, "Welcome young applicants, there are before the gates of the labyrinth."

The man walked slowly into a small loft. He looked at the deck with a large cigar in his mouth and then said, "This will be your test to be officially apprentices of the bastion Santa Maria."

Neferet stared at the man, who pointed to a group of soldiers below him carrying large wooden boxes.

Taking a drag on his cigar, releasing a thick cloud of smoke, the man said, "You can take the equipment in front of you according to your training whether you are sorceresses, knights, or hunters."

The man, pointing to another group of people, then continued, "You can leave your belongings to the soldiers and take your supplies. The test is simple, spend five days in the labyrinth, and there we will select the group of applicants who passed the test."

Quickly, Neferet took her position in the line of girls who waited to take their wizardry gear.

As she looked around her, she calmed down as the rest of the youths also seemed to be nervous around her.

The smoker said after a few seconds of silence, "There is only room for three applicants, one from each class. A sorceress, a knight, and a hunter."

The smoker took the cigar out of his mouth while leaning on the railing of the attic and said, "Young people, the labyrinth is a dangerous place, full of beasts and terrors. Teamwork is essential. Make a trinity or go altogether. It's your decision. Remember that to pass, and you must be alive."

Neferet looked around, seeing how all the other applicants were lining up at the boxes to receive the equipment.

The smoker raises his voice again, shouting.

"Hey, Brian! You're an applicant too, get in line and pick up your shit."

Neferet, following the smoker's gaze, turned to see a young man she hadn't noticed sitting in the shadow of the ship's largest mast.

The young man stood up slowly, he was not wearing the uniform vest, and his uniform seemed to be in his place, but he had a messy aura.

But Neferet couldn't help but notice the wine-red eyes of the young man as he walked slowly to the group of hopefuls lining up to receive their kit of knights.

Neferet received her gear, a pistol whit five bullets and two copper bracers that draped from the back of her hand, the entire forearm held together by three leather straps.

Slowly the ship reached a small makeshift town that was built on a group of ships moored in a small circular port.

Although there was enough space between the labyrinth entrance and the shore, people preferred to stay on the dock.

The huge armored ship docked in the port, and before the young ones lowered the smoker down to the deck.

He said, "Young ones, feel free to lounge on the shore or stroll along the pier. The doors will open at noon, and once they enter, the test will begin."

Neferet standing on the deck, was one of the last to go down, always careful of her steps. She was beginning to feel hot, despite being used to the dry heat of the desert.

This humid heat of the islands attacked her in a different way. Taking a few steps, she took a seat on the dock, lowering her veil a little to feel the sea breeze on her face.

When she heard firm footsteps behind her and the smoker's voice speaking behind her.

"Brian, I have one last message from Kojiro for you," Neferet turned her head a little to see the smoker holding his cigar, standing in front of the young man with wine-red eyes.

With one hand, he held his cigar, and with the other, he combed his hair which was a dark gray color.

Years of growing up royalty had taught Neferet to be inconspicuous and to listen for conversations that might seem important to her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Brian resting a spear on his shoulder and heard him sigh while the smoker told him, "Kojiro asked me to tell you to follow the path to the beach. Just when every one is concentrated at the entrance, you will be able to go around the labyrinth from the outside and reach the other side in three or four days. To a port like this."

Neferet gulped as she heard the smoker tell her that. At the same time, she could hear a soft chuckle coming from Brian as he asked, "Are the bastion trainers asking me to cheat?"

The smoker quickly answered him, "No, brat, Kojiro wants to give you one last chance to take it back. In the port, there are many fishermen who can take you back to the wild islands and from there return home. If you go through those doors, you will officially be in the system, and you will not be able to escape anymore."

Neferet couldn't help but turn her head completely, watching as Brian placed his hand on the smoker's shoulder as he said, "Calm down, Alister, and we already talked about this..."

Brian began to walk away from the smoker while saying, "If I came this far, it's because I already made up my mind to never return home."

Both men parted ways as the smoker returned to the ship, and Brian started his way to the gates of the labyrinth.

Neferet got up and began to walk behind him while the group of aspirants gathered before the huge stone doors that disappeared into the height.

As the sun passed over the doors, they slowly opened. Letting out a small bluish mist, the group of aspirants stared into the glowing mist when the first group of seekers began to walk slowly into the mist.