The Tri-Color Spear (3)

When he saw Brian wave the three-colored spiral, he eventually rose to his feet as the three colors merged at the point of the spiral.

A brilliant white glow filled the entire passageway, and the point of the spear began to emit sparks of each of the three hues in rapid succession.

When Brian vanished, Neferet saw him thrust the gleaming spear into the middle of the beast's chest, and all she could perceive was a brief flash that was so fast that it was almost invisible.

His vision was temporarily obscured for a few seconds as a result of a white light that turned into a white explosion that encompassed the entire corridor as if the sun rose only in that location.

He quickly blinks his eyes and sees that Brian is still illuminated by the flash and is holding the other half of the spear in the air while throwing out a white flame.

The dead body of the beast can be found on the ground. His limbs were yanked away from his legs, and the wounds were stitched up after they were severed.

After the beast had passed on, they became petrified. The blood stopped smoldering, and the odor faded away in a measured manner.

As Brian threw what was left of his spear to the ground, the moonlight illuminated the beads of perspiration and blood that covered his face. He was in the middle of a fierce battle. He remarked, "Okay, I think that's everything."

Neferet glanced at Brian in complete bewilderment. What she claimed to have seen couldn't possibly have been true. However, her body could not hold the amount of surprise that she was experiencing. She was overcome by the agony and exhaustion that she felt.

As soon as she saw the creature's dead body, her awareness of potential threats vanished, which ultimately led to her passing out. She finally succumbed to sleep, closing her eyelids as she continued to gaze at Brian's back.

Neferet took her time as she strolled around the classroom where she had spent her childhood. On the other hand, the only person she was seen with this time was his uncle, who had his head shaved.

As she navigated the room, which had a beige tiled floor, he observed her with a grin on his face.

On the spines of the books that were neatly organized on the shelves were inscribed the respective dates and subjects.

With her eyes fixed on the ground, she said while caressing her chin and biting her lips. While her uncle stared at her, saying, "My dear, no matter how much your mental palace is, the physical wear and tear is palpable if you don't stay still."

With a calm smile, the man said, "Apart if you materialize your body to do such unnecessary things, you won't get enough rest."

Her uncle smiled sarcastically at her while mimicking the girl's movements and then looking at her. Neferet looking at her uncle with seriousness, said, "I don't think it's right that the keeper of my secrets makes fun of me instead of helping me think."

The man shifted with a shrug while keeping his attention fixated on the girl, which caused his form to distort somewhat.

Taking gestures more similar to Neferet's, returning to normal, the man said, "If I take this form, it is because of your decision, and my personality is made up of part of yours and the memories of the person with whom you give me form."

Neferet looked away while closing her eyes. She dematerialized her body, turning into a thin cloud of yellowish sand floating in circles on the floor as she said, "You saw it, right?"

The girl's voice danced between a tone of astonishment and concern, "That was a spell with the three colors. It's kind of impossible, right?"

Her memory of her uncle vanished as she looked across at the empty seat in the classroom where he had been seated.

Changed a bit. It appeared as though the afternoon sun was entering the room from one of the windows at the same time that the picture of the uncle was materializing in front of the blackboard.

The man wore a smile as he said, looking at a small sofa. His gaze was lowered as if he was talking to a girl, "Now, my dear, there are four basic types of flames."

The man was drawing slowly on the blackboard with colored chalk, "First, the natural flame. It is white; it has a heavier density than the diluted flames that we handle, so despite being powerful, it is less flexible and has limited uses."

The man slowly took red chalk, drawing a small line on the blackboard, saying, "Now, the red flame is the most basic of all."

Turning his face again to see the girl, the man said, "It is the most violent and powerful flame. It is the flame related to the physique and body. It grows with the physique and manifests as physical enhancement or manifestations that directly use the body as a base. Its recoil is a great rise in body heat, reddish skin, and large amounts of sweat."

Then slowly turning around, the man draws a blue line while saying. In a soft tone, "The blue flame is the opposite of this. It is a more complex flame but weaker and with less base power."