The Village of Statues (1)

The roar of running water and jets of water hitting the pavement totally filled the town, which completely disguised the sound of the murmurs.

They were fully engulfed by the thick fog, which created spinning patterns when the wind swept through it.

The group proceeded forward in complete silence, preserving their formation throughout the entirety of the undertaking.

While Neferet was tightening her fists and holding tightly onto her blue vest, Rebeca had one of her hands on Brian's shirt. The other of her hands was covered behind Brian's back and to the side of Neferet.

It was revealed that Neferet and Brian had been hiding a revolver, and Rebeca's fingers were slid onto the handle of the weapon.

Brian moved slowly while simultaneously sliding his hands back and forth, delicately touching the grips of the hammer and the pistol he was holding with his fingertips.

When he turned his head to look at the houses, his friend Shane, who was standing behind him, already had his finger on the trigger of the gun.

They were greeted by the town, which acknowledged their arrival with eerie murmurs that were rather far away.

The floor was in poor condition, and several of the pavers had become dislodged.

The walls of the houses were made of a concrete that had a grayish hue to it, and they did not contain any doors or windows. The structures looked like deserted homes even though they were just constructions.

However, there was something unnerving about the pattern, as it consisted of identical rectangles that directly abutted one another and had no alleyways or other divides between them.

The cobblestone floor was covered in shattered tiles and other building debris that had been left behind from the project.

In addition to appearing to be a town that had been abandoned, it also gave the impression of being a town that had only been partially built.

The appearance of a village that had only been partially erected, with empty rooms visible within the residences even though the homes appeared to have windows in them.

With attempts at shattered furniture or a floor that is only partially done, with the cave floor itself still needing to be leveled off. Attempts at shattered furniture can also be made with a floor that is only partially finished.

Neferet placed a hand on Brian's shoulder and asked quietly, "This place certainly looks like an imitation. Is it like the forest?"

Brian gave an exasperated chuckle and pointed to the top of the room while he explained, "This seems intentional as if someone or something wanted to recreate a village."

Brian looked slowly to the sides, "The forest, it was as if someone had made a habitat."

As she got closer to Neferet and spoke to her, Rebeca could be seen wearing a frown, "The forest was fake?" Slapping Brian's back gently, the girl said, "I don't understand what the difference is."

Armin came to a startling halt in the middle of his walk. When Brian saw him, he picked up his pace a little bit while saying, "A habitat is so that those who are inside do not know that they are locked up."

Raising a finger and moving it in a soft circle, he said, "And this place seems more like to attract the unwary."

Neferet and Rebeca kept exchanging worried glances with one another as they increased the speed of their pace in order to keep up with Brian.

They were surrounded by an increasing number of individuals from the village who had greeted them and engaged in conversation with them.

They were now in the second portion of the labyrinth, but they still had no idea what they might find when they got to the end of this section.

A cunning beast, or possibly a terrifying one?

After being on the road for three hours, the group made it to the circular plaza that could be found in the center of that town one and a half hours after midday.

Armin maintained his erect posture while holding his shield in the air.

The enormous square was shown in front of the group, and everyone's attention was drawn to it as soon as it was brought into view.

It was a vast circular space that was tiled and cobblestone, and there were a few broken-down wooden stalls that were scattered throughout. This was the marketplace.

The party climbed the slight hill to gain a better perspective of how the perfectly symmetrical houses on the slope broke away from constructing a perfect line to form a circle around the square in the center of the property.

Two new paths branched off from that primary intersection to go in different directions.

When Brian and the girls reached Armin's back, Armin quickly turned his head, saying.

"That…" Raising an arm as he looked up at Brian, he said, "What is that?"