Rebeca the Huntress (3)

Rebecca let out a heavy sigh as she reflected on the fact that she was beginning to feel a dull headache in addition to breaking out in a cold sweat. 

"I have to regulate; I can't afford to throw it all here." For a few moments, his mind reminded him, "Where is our big gun?"

By quickly putting her bandages over the statue and bending her hips in such a way that it caught on the ground, Neferet was able to send the statue crashing down to the ground and destroy it.

Armin was able to escape from underneath the statue by rolling out from under it.

Between gasps, he took his sword while he stood up and stared at the statue, saying, "Does it move…."

The ladies raised their heads to peer up at the statue, which was only slightly obscured by the mist, after hearing a faint thump of metal and the sound of metal dragging on the stone.