Brian and Shane vs Soldiers Statues (2)

Brian hopped onto the statue just in time as the statue's five remaining legs came at him like a bunch of five stingers after he had swung his hammer with full force.

After the strong contact in midair, the hammer drew its legs back slightly as the stone cracked, revealing portions of the creature's slimy, swarming skin. 

This occurred as the stone shattered. 

The statue gave in to Brian's assault and moved to the side as he got closer to it, thereby submitting to the attack.

The horizontal blow that Brian threw from the tips of his toes formed a trail of crimson fire that cut through the mist. 

Brian was standing on the very tips of his toes. 

The impact of the hammer on the stones caused an explosion of fire and caused the legs of the statue to break, which exposed the lower portion of the statue's body. 

Throughout the whole delivery of the blow, Brian maintained his position on the very tips of his toes.