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While he was talking, Brian pulled up one eyebrow and pinched his chin with two fingers. He did this while he was looking straight ahead. "Now that I think about it. Where is she, Rebeca?" After that, he started searching his home for Rebeca by looking all about him.

Taking a half step toward Brian, Eric lowered the hammer of his pistol and pointed it at Brian's forehead, yelling, "I'm talking to you!!" 

Eric spoke with an anxious tone in his voice but made an effort to appear cool as he said, "We are negotiating. Pay attention to me!"

Shaking his face without seeing Eric. Brian said, "We are not negotiating. I already told you if you want to leave, you go. Otherwise, you die where you are."

Eric drawing a nervous smile, said, "Well, then we all die here." 

"Raise your hands above your head, or I'll shoot her." He said this while his finger was lightly resting on the blunderbuss's trigger, but he wasn't actually tightening it at the time.