The Third Night (2)

Armin remained silent as he stood still and peered down through the arch to the patio below.

After sighing, he said, "Miss, please rest first." 

Armin had dull eyes, but even in the dim light provided by the mist, a glimmer of light could be seen emanating from them. 

This was despite the fact that Armin had a feeble sense of smell.

Even before he was covered in blood, his clothes were filthy, but now there were streaks of blood all over his shirt and vest. His garments were covered in grime.

Shane gave Neferet a contemplative look before giving the nod to indicate that he was in agreement with what she had said.

In the midst of his statement, he reached into his pocket, pulled out one of the bullets that Brian had given him, and said, "I can make a little fire, then you guys take turns."