End of the Test (1)

He had blue eyes and a grimace on his face as he stared at Brian while fiercely raising his left arm. 

Brian's attention was drawn to him. Armin turned his back on Brian as a direct result of Brian's bracer dislodging his sword and causing it to become dislodged from its scabbard, which caused Armin's sword to become dislodged from its scabbard.

He said, "There is no honor in killing someone who can't fight." Brian's voice came out without a growl. 

He gave the impression that his voice was a bit deeper than normal and a little harsher by simultaneously lifting his head and straightening his shoulders while he was speaking. 

This gave the sense that his voice was a little more forceful, "Neffy, take care of the spiders. I'm going to blow up the bridge, and you, take this wretch with you."

Armin backed away slowly while glancing at Brian's back and trying to swallow the knot that formed in his throat. He then continued to look away.